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Coffee against cardiovascular disease
Research suggests that moderate coffee consumption (3 cups or 200-300mg caffeine) can lower risk of heart disease & diabetes by 48%.
How Beijing’s economic boost is raising coffee cup prices
China's economic stimulus is causing a global market surge, including a price rise of up to 10% in the coming months for coffee cups.
The coffee heist
In the heart of downtown Los Angeles, a marketing firm is terrorized by a thief with a taste for fine coffee beans in "The Great Office Caffeine Heist".
The inalienable right to a coffee break at work
Can holding employees captive boost productivity or stifle innovation?
How optimal water temperatures elevate your daily cup
optimal water temperatures between 195°F and 205°F unlock perfect balance for your daily cup.
Why unroasted coffee beans are costing more than ever
Global coffee prices surge due to a perfect storm of frost, drought, and climate change-driven shifts in Vietnam's durian fruit production.
Efficient coffee solutions for tiny spaces uncovered
Compact coffee makers revolutionize daily routines with high-quality solutions for small spaces.
400 years history of coffee in america
Coffee has been an integral part of American culture for over 400 years, evolving from a luxury item to a ubiquitous daily ritual that reflects the country's cultural heritage.