Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition


Experience the rich, creamy taste of Oatly Barista Edition in your morning cup of coffee for a dairy-free delight that satisfies every craving.

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Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition is a specially designed oat-based coffee creamer that has been made specifically for baristas and coffee lovers alike who are seeking a delicious, plant-based alternative to traditional dairy milk. This vegan product offers all the rich flavor and velvety texture of cow’s milk with none of the animal byproducts, making it an excellent choice for those following a plant-based diet or those looking to reduce their carbon footprint.
The Oat Drink Barista Edition is made using whole grain oats that are gently milled to create a creamy and smooth texture. It has been specifically formulated to provide the perfect foaming and steaming capabilities, making it an ideal choice for coffee shops and cafes who want to offer a dairy-free option on their menu.
One of the key benefits of choosing Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition is its nutritional profile. It contains just 59 calories per 100g serving, making it a lower calorie option than traditional whole milk. Additionally, it is high in vitamin B, which plays an important role in energy metabolism, brain function and cell formation.
In terms of its texture, the Oat Drink Barista Edition has been carefully crafted to provide a creamy, velvety mouthfeel that closely mimics that of whole milk. It also has a natural oat flavor that complements a wide range of coffee flavors without overpowering them.
One of the great things about Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition is its versatility. It can be used in a variety of different coffee drinks, from lattes and cappuccinos to flat whites and macchiatos. Its rich and creamy texture also makes it an excellent choice for use in smoothies, hot chocolate and baked goods.
In summary, Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition is a delicious, plant-based alternative to dairy milk that is perfect for anyone looking to reduce their carbon footprint or follow a vegan diet. Its creamy texture, rich flavor and nutritional benefits make it an excellent choice for coffee lovers who are seeking a dairy-free option. So why not give it a try and see for yourself just how good plant-based milk can taste?

Vegetarian. Vitamin B, Vitamin D

Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition properties

Product name Oat Drink Barista Edition
Type Coffee
Vegan Yes
Segment Vegetarian
Vitamins Vitamin B, Vitamin D
Volume/pack. 100.0 cl
Calories/100g 59.0 kcal
Fat/100g 3.0 g
Fibers/100g 0.8 g
Protein/100g 1.0 g
Carbs/100g 6.6 g
Product name

Product type











1 review for Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition

  1. Maverick

    Bipolar, Colour and Me

    I recently came across a thought-provoking article about artist Joseph Awuah-Darko’s innovative approach to managing his bipolar disorder. By creating a colour-coded spreadsheet to track his emotions, he has found an extraordinary way to express himself creatively.

    The article highlights the importance of emotional expression in mental health management. It’s fascinating to see how colours can be used as a tangible representation of one’s emotions, allowing individuals to better understand and navigate their mental state.

    This concept resonates with me on a deeper level, particularly given today’s news about the growing concern over mental health awareness. As we strive for greater understanding and empathy towards those struggling with mental health issues, innovative approaches like Joseph’s colour-coded spreadsheet offer valuable insights into the complexities of the human mind.

    Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition Review

    I’m thrilled to share my experience with Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition, which I purchased in November from this shop. This unique product has left me excited and eager to dive deeper into its technical aspects.

    The first thing that caught my attention was the barista edition’s distinct segment: Vegetarian. As someone who appreciates plant-based alternatives to traditional coffee drinks, this feature makes Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition an attractive option for vegetarians looking for a high-quality coffee substitute.

    In terms of taste and texture, I found Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition to be remarkably similar to traditional coffee. The rich, velvety smoothness is unparalleled in the plant-based market. But what truly sets it apart is its use of oat fibre, which provides an authentic coffee experience without the need for dairy or other animal-derived ingredients.

    One of the most fascinating aspects of Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition is its unique production process. The company uses a patented enzymatic process to break down the starches in oats, resulting in a smooth, creamy texture that’s remarkably close to traditional coffee.

    As I sipped on my Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition, I couldn’t help but think of Joseph Awuah-Darko’s colour-coded spreadsheet. Just as colours can be used to represent emotions, the technical aspects of Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition demonstrate how innovative production processes can bring people together through shared experiences.

    In short, Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition is an exceptional product that offers a truly unique coffee experience. Its vegetarian segment and revolutionary production process make it an attractive option for those looking for high-quality plant-based alternatives to traditional coffee drinks.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I properly froth Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition for cappuccinos and lattes?

To froth Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition for cappuccinos and lattes, follow these steps:
1. Fill the bottom of your frothing pitcher with cold Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition, leaving enough space for it to expand as you froth it. Place the frothing wand into the milk and turn on your frother. Froth the milk until it becomes thick and creamy, with a texture similar to steamed milk from cow's milk. This should take around 45-60 seconds. When you're satisfied with the texture of the frothed milk, pour it into your coffee using a spoon to hold back the foam until the last moment. Finish by adding the remaining foam on top of the coffee for a cappuccino or leaving more room for steamed milk in a latte.

How do I properly froth Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition for latte art?

To froth Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition for latte art, follow these steps:
1. Begin by chilling the Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition in the refrigerator overnight or for at least 6 hours before use. This will help the oat drink foam more easily and create a creamier texture. Pour your desired amount of Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition into your milk frother, making sure not to fill it over the maximum fill line. Turn on the frother and let it run for approximately 60-90 seconds or until you achieve a thick, creamy foam with small microfoam bubbles. The texture should be similar to traditional dairy milk foam. Transfer the frothed Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition into your latte art pitcher. Make sure not to overfill it as this can cause spillage during steaming. Steam the oat drink for approximately 3-5 seconds or until it reaches a temperature of around 160°F (71°C). Be careful not to scorch the milk, which can result in a burnt taste and texture. Use your latte art pitcher to create your desired design by pouring the steamed oat drink into your espresso shot or other coffee base. Enjoy your delicious, plant-based latte!
Remember, practice makes perfect when it comes to latte art. Don't be discouraged if your designs don't turn out perfectly at first - keep practicing and experimenting with different techniques until you find what works best for you.

How should I properly froth Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition for a latte?

To froth Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition for a latte, follow these steps:

1. Fill the jug of your frother (preferably with a wand) about 2/3 full with Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition. Insert the wand into the milk and turn on the frother. Use a back-and-forth motion to create a whirling vortex in the milk. This will help draw in more air and create a foamy texture. Continue frothing for about 20-30 seconds, or until the milk has thickened and formed stiff peaks. Stop frothing and carefully remove the wand from the jug. Gently pour the frothed milk over your shot of espresso in your latte glass.

How do I properly froth Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition for my latte art?

To properly froth Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition for your latte art, follow these steps:
1. Fill the bottom of your milk jug about ⅓ full with cold water. This will help prevent any clumping or sticking to the sides of the jug. Add the desired amount of Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition into the jug, filling it up about ⅔ full. Place the steam wand in the center of the milk and turn on your espresso machine. Initially, hold the wand just below the surface of the milk to create a vacuum. This will help draw the milk into the steam wand. Slowly raise the wand as the milk begins to froth, maintaining a consistent motion. Avoid moving the wand too quickly or in circles, as this can cause uneven foam and air pockets. Continuously purge any excess water from the steam wand before steaming your Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition. This will help prevent any off-flavors in your latte art. When you have achieved the desired consistency, turn off the steam wand and remove it from the milk jug. Pour your frothed Oatly Oat Drink Barista Edition into your latte art cup and enjoy!
Remember to clean the steam wand thoroughly between uses to prevent any buildup or flavors from carrying over into your next drink.

I've frothed my oat milk with the steam wand, but it's not holding air as well as I'd like - what could be causing this issue and how can I improve the texture of my foam?

Firstly, the temperature of the steam wand is crucial for creating stable foam. If it's too hot, it will denature the proteins in the milk, causing them to break down and lose their ability to hold air. On the other hand, if it's too cold, the milk won't froth properly. Another possibility is that your oat milk might be too thin or not concentrated enough to hold its shape. This could be due to a variety of factors such as using a low-fat version or adding too much water when making the milk. Additionally, the type of steam wand on your espresso machine can also affect the quality of the foam. Some machines have a more efficient steam wand that can produce a more consistent flow of steam, which is essential for creating stable foam. Finally, it's worth noting that oat milk can be notoriously difficult to froth compared to traditional dairy milk due to its lower fat content and higher water content. This means that you may need to experiment with different techniques and tools to get the desired texture. To improve the texture of your foam, try adjusting the temperature of the steam wand to a more moderate setting (around 140-160°F). You can also try frothing for a slightly longer time to build up more structure in the milk. Additionally, you may want to experiment with using a different type of oat milk or adding a small amount of natural emulsifier such as lecithin to help stabilize the foam. It's also worth noting that practice makes perfect, so don't be discouraged if it takes some trial and error to get the hang of frothing your oat milk. With a bit of patience and experimentation, you should be able to achieve a beautiful, stable foam that holds its shape well.

I've tried making lattes with the Barista Edition, but I'm getting an inconsistent texture and it's curdling when I steam it - is this normal or am I doing something wrong?

It sounds like you're experiencing some issues with your Nespresso Barista Edition. First, let's talk about the texture of a latte. A perfect latte should have a smooth, velvety microfoam on top and a silky texture throughout. If your lattes are curdling or having an inconsistent texture, it could be due to a few different things. One common issue is that the milk might not be heated correctly before frothing. You want to heat the milk to around 140°F (60°C) to 150°F (65°C), which will help create a more stable foam. If the milk is too cold, it won't froth properly and can lead to curdling. Another possible cause could be that the steam wand on your machine isn't set up correctly. The steam wand should be submerged just below the surface of the milk, and you want to create a whirlpool effect by moving the pitcher in a circular motion while frothing. If the wand is too far under or too close to the surface, it can cause the milk to curdle. It's also worth checking that your machine is calibrated correctly and that the frothing temperature is set properly. You may want to consult the user manual for guidance on calibrating your machine. Lastly, make sure you're using fresh milk and cleaning your machine regularly to prevent any buildup of old milk residue, which can affect the texture of your lattes.

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