Rommelsbacher EKM 100


Get the perfect grind for your coffee with the Rommelsbacher EKM 100 – ideal for the coffee enthusiast who wants superior quality in every cup!

The Rommelsbacher EKM 100 coffee grinder is a remarkable addition to any coffee lover’s arsenal. Known for its elegant design and unbeatable performance, this appliance is perfect for grinding coffee beans to the finest consistency.

First and foremost, the grinder boasts a powerful 150-watt motor that can grind coffee beans in a few seconds. This means that you’ll be able to brew your coffee much faster than before! Additionally, the appliance has 15 distinct levels of grind settings which allows for precision in customization of your coffee grind.

The machine was manufactured with durability in mind which means that it is built from high-quality stainless steel, which not only looks sleek but ensures the longevity of the grinder. The appliance is also highly versatile and can be used to grind coffee beans, nuts, and spices effortlessly.

The EKM 100’s compact size (175 x 105 x 105mm), enables it to fit comfortably on any kitchen counter or shelf. Its weight of 1.8kg makes it extremely easy to move around, making it perfect for small kitchens or homes.

With easy operation, the EKM 100 is also extremely user-friendly. Simply load the beans into the hopper at the top, select your preferred grind level, and let the machine do the rest. The on/off switch is easy to access on one side of the grinder, and there is a handy cord storage compartment below the machine when not in use.

Most importantly, the coffee grinder is very easy to clean, thanks to its removable parts that make cleaning a breeze. It’s recommended to clean it after every use to avoid contamination from previous grinds.

In summary, the Rommelsbacher EKM 100 coffee grinder is an excellent kitchen appliance that provides an unbeatable coffee grinding experience. Its durability, versatility, and user-friendly design are just a few of the reasons why it’s a great investment for any coffee enthusiast. Whether you’re an amateur or a seasoned barista, you can’t go wrong with this grinder.

Electric Grinder, 70g, Timer, Espresso, Automatic Turn-Off Capacity 70 g

Rommelsbacher EKM 100 properties

Product name EKM 100
Type Electric Grinder
Grinding Mechanism Grind
Capacity 70 g
Effect 200 W
Features Automatic Turn-Off, Espresso, Timer
Material Stainless steel
Height 185 mm
Depth 95 mm
Width 95 mm
Weight 0.8 kg
Product name

Product type

Grinding Mechanism




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Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the recommended steps for cleaning and maintaining my Rommelsbacher EKM 100 coffee grinder?

Here are the recommended steps for cleaning and maintaining your Rommelsbacher EKM 100 coffee grinder to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Unplug the grinder before starting any maintenance or cleaning procedures. Empty the grinding chamber by removing the top part of the grinder and pouring out the ground coffee beans. Disassemble the grinder: Remove the upper burr, the lower burr, and the central shaft that connects them. Some models may have additional parts to dissemble. Clean the individual parts with a soft brush or cloth to remove any coffee residue from the burrs and other components. Be gentle while cleaning the burrs as they are delicate. Use a small vacuum cleaner or compressed air to blow away any remaining coffee particles from the grinding chamber, burrs, and central shaft. Apply a few drops of neutral mineral oil (not olive oil) onto the central shaft where it meets the lower burr. This will lubricate the internal mechanism and prevent rusting. Reassemble the grinder by connecting the upper burr, lower burr, and central shaft. Ensure all parts are securely in place. Test the grinder's performance by grinding a small amount of coffee beans to check if it works smoothly and consistently. Store your Rommelsbacher EKM 100 coffee grinder in a dry place away from direct sunlight, moisture, or extreme temperatures. Regularly cleaning and maintaining your grinder will help keep it in excellent condition for years to come.

How do I properly clean my Rommelsbacher EKM 100 coffee grinder to ensure optimal performance and prevent any damage to the machine?

To ensure optimal performance and prevent any damage to your Rommelsbacher EKM 100 coffee grinder, follow these steps for proper cleaning:
1. Unplug the grinder from its power source before cleaning. Remove the bean hopper and catch tray. Use a soft-bristled brush or compressed air to remove any remaining grounds or debris from the inside of the hopper and the catch tray. Wipe down the exterior of the grinder with a damp cloth, being sure to avoid getting water inside the machine. Clean the burr assembly by removing it from the grinder and washing it with warm water and a mild detergent. Be sure to rinse thoroughly and dry completely before reinstalling. Wipe down the underside of the grinder, where the burrs are housed, to remove any remaining debris or grounds. Reassemble the grinder and plug it back in. Grind a few shots of coffee with your Rommelsbacher EKM 100 to flush out any remaining water or detergent residue.

How do I properly adjust the grind settings on my Rommelsbacher EKM 100 coffee grinder for a medium roast bean?

To properly adjust the grind settings on your Rommelsbacher EKM 100 coffee grinder for a medium roast bean, follow these steps:

1. Begin by cleaning the grinder to remove any leftover grounds or debris from previous uses. Use a soft-bristled brush or compressed air to remove any loose particles, and then wipe down the inside of the grinder with a clean, damp cloth. Allow the grinder to fully dry before proceeding. Insert the hopper into the top of the grinder, making sure it is securely in place. Fill the hopper with your medium roast coffee beans, making sure not to overfill it. The ideal amount of beans for a single grind cycle is around 100-150g. Adjust the grind setting on the grinder to the "medium" position. This will typically be somewhere in the middle of the settings dial, depending on the specific model of your EKM 100 grinder. It's best to start with a coarser grind and gradually work your way towards a finer one until you find the perfect setting for your coffee. Turn the grinder on and allow it to run through a full cycle. Pay attention to the sound of the grinding process - medium roast beans should produce a consistent, even grind with a slightly audible hiss as the beans are crushed. If you hear any grinding that is too loud or uneven, this may indicate that the grinder needs to be adjusted further. Once the grind cycle is complete, turn off the grinder and remove the hopper from the top of the machine. Use a spoon or scoop to transfer the freshly ground coffee into your brewing device, being careful not to let any stray grounds fall onto your work surface. Rinse out the hopper with hot water to remove any remaining coffee oils and grinds, and then dry it thoroughly before storing it back in place. This will help prevent any buildup of bacteria or mold in the hopper over time. Finally, be sure to clean your EKM 100 grinder regularly to ensure that it continues to function properly and consistently produce high-quality coffee grounds. Depending on how frequently you use your grinder, this may involve cleaning it after every use or once a week at minimum.

"How do I properly use Rommelsbacher EKM 100 for coffee grinding?"

To properly use Rommelsbacher EKM 100 for coffee grinding, follow these steps:

1. Begin by thoroughly cleaning the grinder to ensure that no residual oils or flavors from previous uses remain in the machine. This will help prevent any unwanted tastes or aromas from contaminating your freshly ground coffee. Next, measure out the desired amount of beans for grinding and place them inside the grinder's hopper. It is essential to use high-quality coffee beans that are specifically intended for use with a burr grinder like Rommelsbacher EKM 100. Once the beans have been added to the hopper, adjust the grind size dial on the front of the machine to select your preferred grind setting. This can range from fine for espresso to coarse for French press brewing methods. It's crucial to note that a finer grind will produce more flavor, while a coarser grind is best for a less intense taste. With the beans in place and the desired grind setting selected, switch on the machine and allow it to run until the desired amount of ground coffee has been produced. This may take several seconds or longer depending upon the quantity of coffee being ground at once. Once the grinding process is complete, carefully remove the container holding the freshly ground coffee from the grinder's discharge chute and transfer it to your preferred brewing apparatus. Be sure to avoid touching the grounds with your hands or other unclean objects to maintain their purity and prevent contamination. Finally, periodically clean the Rommelsbacher EKM 100 grinder according to the manufacturer's instructions to ensure that it continues to operate efficiently and hygienically over time.

Why is my coffee grinder, EKM 100, not grinding coarsely even after I've adjusted the grind setting all the way down?

1. Grind settings might not be as low as you think**: Double-check that you've adjusted the grind setting all the way down. Some grinders have multiple settings, and it's easy to get confused about which one is actually "coarse. Make sure you're not just moving the dial a little bit, but rather fully rotating it to the lowest position. Burrs might be worn out**: Over time, the burrs in your grinder can wear down, affecting their ability to produce coarse grinds. If the burrs are excessively worn, they may not be able to crush the beans enough to produce the desired coarseness. Inspect the burrs for signs of wear or damage. Bean size and shape**: The size and shape of your coffee beans can also impact grind consistency. If you're using very large or irregularly shaped beans, the grinder might struggle to produce coarse grinds. Try grinding a different type of bean or adjusting the bean size to see if that improves the results. Grinder calibration**: It's possible that your EKM 100 needs recalibrating. This can be done by adjusting the gap between the burrs using a small screwdriver (usually provided with the grinder). Consult the user manual for specific instructions on how to calibrate your grinder. Blockage or obstruction**: Check if there are any blockages or obstructions in the grinder's grinding chamber or chute. A clogged grinder can prevent coarse grinds from being produced. To troubleshoot further, try the following:

* Clean the grinder thoroughly, making sure all parts are free of coffee residue and debris. Use a different type of bean to see if the issue persists. Check if the grind setting is affected by the direction in which you're grinding (some grinders have a directional bias). If you've recently cleaned or serviced your grinder, it might be worth trying again after allowing some time for the burrs to break in. If none of these suggestions help, it's possible that there's an issue with the grinder itself. You may want to contact the manufacturer or a professional repair service for further assistance.

What types of coffee grinders are on the market?

If you are thinking about choosing a coffee grinder, for example Rommelsbacher EKM 100, we invite you to read our article in which we explain the advantages and disadvantages of electric grinders in relation to manual and discuss the details in the construction and use. You will find out the difference between burrs grinders and steel blade grinders. We also discuss other important parameters of coffee grinders that you should consider before buying it. We try to discuss all significant aspects so that the model you choose matches your preferences. Click here for more information about grinders.

What kind of grinder is Rommelsbacher EKM 100?

There are few types of grinding mechanism used in coffee grinders. You can find manual and electric grinders, burr and knife coffee grinders.This grinder is grind type. You can find all of that type here.

Still can't decide if Rommelsbacher EKM 100 will be a good choice in 2023?

If you still not decided which coffee grinder to choose and you want to compare Rommelsbacher EKM 100 with other models?
Do you want to make sure your coffee is ground to perfection every time? Then check out our latest article on how to choose the best coffee grinder for your needs. Our comprehensive guide covers everything from burr vs. blade grinders to manual vs. electric options. Don't settle for mediocre coffee - read our article and make an informed decision today!

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