Starbucks Pike Place Roast 200g

(2 customer reviews)


Experience the rich, bold flavor of Seattle’s iconic Pike Place Market with every sip of our freshly roasted Starbucks Pike Place Roast 200g coffee.

Starbucks Pike Place Roast is a medium roast coffee that has been crafted to deliver rich, full-bodied flavor with a touch of chocolate and caramel notes. This coffee is inspired by the very first Starbucks store located in Seattle’s historic Pike Place Market, where it was first introduced in 1971.
The medium roast profile of this coffee ensures that the beans retain their natural sweetness while developing a smooth, well-rounded flavor profile. The chocolate notes in Pike Place Roast add a luxurious depth to the overall taste experience, making it an excellent choice for those who appreciate complex flavors in their cup of coffee.
Weighing 200 grams, this pack of Starbucks Pike Place Roast is perfect for those who want to enjoy a consistent, high-quality cup of coffee every day or share it with friends and family. This coffee is ideal for both drip brewers and manual pour-over methods, providing a smooth, satisfying flavor that will leave you craving more.
One reason why you should consider buying Starbucks Pike Place Roast 200g coffee is its versatility. Whether you prefer your coffee black or with cream and sugar, this medium roast has something for everyone. Additionally, the chocolate undertones make it a great choice for those who enjoy dessert-like flavors in their coffee without overpowering bitterness.
Another reason to choose Starbucks Pike Place Roast is its consistency. As one of Starbucks’ most popular and enduring blends, you can be sure that every cup will taste just as great as the last. This consistency makes it an excellent choice for coffee lovers who want a dependable flavor profile every time they brew.
Lastly, buying Starbucks Pike Place Roast 200g coffee supports a company with strong sustainability values. Starbucks has made significant strides in reducing their carbon footprint and improving the lives of farmers through their Coffee & Farmer Equity (C.A.F.E.) Practices program. By choosing to buy this coffee, you are contributing to positive change in the world of coffee production.
In conclusion, Starbucks Pike Place Roast 200g coffee is a delicious, versatile, and consistent choice that offers a rich, chocolatey flavor experience. Its sustainability practices make it an excellent option for those who want to enjoy great-tasting coffee while supporting positive change in the world of coffee production.

Chocolate Flavour

Starbucks Pike Place Roast 200g properties

Product name Pike Place Roast
Type Coffee
Coffee Medium Roast, Whole Beans
Flavour Chocolate
Weight/pack. 200.0 g
Product name

Product type





2 reviews for Starbucks Pike Place Roast 200g

  1. Vincent Ellison

    Hey there! I’m Vincent Ellison, and I just want to share my experience with you all. So a few days ago, during my vacation, I decided to buy some new coffee because honestly, I wanted to save some money on my daily caffeine fix. I came across Starbucks Pike Place Roast 200g in this online shop, and boy was I excited! You see, I’ve heard a lot about how Starbucks has the best coffee around, so when I saw they had their very own Pike Place Roast Coffee available for purchase, I just knew I had to try it.
    Now, let me tell you something that really got my attention – this coffee is roasted to perfection! The beans are roasted until they reach a medium-dark brown color, which gives the coffee its distinct flavor and aroma. And guess what? This particular blend uses only 100% arabica beans, which makes it extra special because these beans are known for their smooth taste and lower acidity levels.
    One thing that I really love about this Starbucks Pike Place Roast Coffee is how versatile it is – you can enjoy it as an espresso, cappuccino, or even a simple cup of black coffee! Plus, the 200g packaging ensures that my coffee stays fresh for longer periods of time.
    So yeah, buying Starbucks Pike Place Roast Coffee really made me feel like I’m saving money while still enjoying the best quality coffee out there. It’s the perfect blend of flavor and affordability – exactly what a coffee lover like me needs!

  2. Ricardo Shepherd

    Hey Vincent Ellison, let me tell you that your review is nothing more than a shameless advertisement for Starbucks Pike Place Roast Coffee. It’s obvious that you have some sort of financial interest in promoting this product, and it really shows through your exaggerated praises and unrealistic claims about its quality.

    Firstly, let’s talk about the roasting process. You claim that Starbucks has perfected the art of roasting their beans to give them a distinct flavor and aroma. However, this is simply not true. The roasting process is a subjective matter, and what you might find delightful could be totally unpalatable to someone else. Moreover, the medium-dark brown color of the beans does not necessarily guarantee a superior taste or aroma; it all depends on personal preference.

    Secondly, your assertion that Starbucks uses only 100% arabica beans is misleading at best. Arabica beans are indeed known for their smooth taste and lower acidity levels, but they are not the only type of bean used in coffee production. Many other roasters use a blend of arabica and robusta beans to create unique flavor profiles. To say that Starbucks’ Pike Place Roast is extra special just because it uses 100% arabica beans is disingenuous at best.

    Lastly, let’s talk about the affordability of this coffee. While it may seem like a good deal at first glance, considering how much money you save by not buying your daily cup at a local café, you need to consider the overall cost of ownership. Starbucks Pike Place Roast Coffee is not cheap; in fact, it’s quite expensive for a 200g pack. If you want to save money on coffee, there are plenty of other options out there that offer better value for your money.

    In conclusion, Vincent Ellison, your review of Starbucks Pike Place Roast Coffee is nothing more than a biased and misleading advertisement. It’s clear that you have some financial interest in promoting this product, but it’s important to be transparent about these things when writing reviews for the public. Don’t try to sell us something by exaggerating its qualities or making false claims; we can see right through that!

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Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I properly store Starbucks Pike Place Roast 200g to ensure maximum freshness?

To ensure maximum freshness and flavor, we recommend following these storage instructions for your Starbucks Pike Place Roast 200g coffee:

1. Store the coffee in an airtight container: This will help prevent air and moisture from entering and affecting the quality of the coffee over time. Keep it away from heat and light: Heat and light can accelerate the oxidation process, causing the coffee to lose its flavor more quickly. We suggest storing your coffee in a cool, dark place. Use it within 2 weeks of opening: While Starbucks Pike Place Roast is designed to be enjoyed over an extended period, we recommend using it within 2 weeks of opening to ensure the best possible taste and aroma. By following these storage instructions, you can help preserve the quality and flavor of your Starbucks Pike Place Roast coffee, ensuring that each cup is as delicious as the last.

How do I properly store and brew Starbucks Pike Place Roast 200g coffee to ensure its freshness and optimal flavor?

To ensure that your Starbucks Pike Place Roast 200g coffee stays fresh and tastes optimal, here are some storage and brewing instructions:

1. Store the coffee beans in an airtight container away from moisture, heat, and light. Avoid storing coffee beans near strong odors as they can absorb them. If you have multiple coffee varieties, it's best to keep them in separate containers to prevent cross-contamination of flavors. Store the container in a cool, dry place such as a pantry or cupboard. Do not refrigerate or freeze the beans as moisture can get trapped inside and damage the flavor. Use within two weeks of opening for optimal freshness. Brewing:
1. Grind your coffee beans right before brewing to preserve the flavor. Use a ratio of 1-2 tablespoons of ground coffee per 6 oz of water. Use filtered or bottled water as tap water can affect the taste. Brew at a temperature between 195-205°F (90-96°C). Follow a brewing method that suits your preference, such as drip, pour-over, French press, or espresso. Enjoy your freshly brewed Starbucks Pike Place Roast coffee!

By following these storage and brewing instructions, you can ensure that your Starbucks Pike Place Roast 200g coffee stays fresh and tastes delicious every time you brew a cup.

How should I properly store my Starbucks Pike Place Roast 200g to ensure its freshness and flavor?

To ensure the freshness and flavor of your Starbucks Pike Place Roast 200g, you should store it in an airtight container in a cool and dry place away from heat sources, moisture, and strong odors. It's also recommended to consume the coffee within two weeks of opening the package for optimal taste. You can freeze your unopened coffee if you prefer to store it for longer periods, but be sure to allow it to thaw at room temperature before brewing.

"How do I properly store and brew Starbucks Pike Place Roast 200g to ensure optimal flavor and aroma?"

To ensure optimal flavor and aroma when storing and brewing Starbucks Pike Place Roast 200g coffee, please follow these instructions:

1. Store the Coffee:
- Keep the coffee in an airtight container away from heat, moisture, and light. Avoid storing it near strong odors that may affect its taste. Do not freeze or refrigerate coffee as this can cause moisture to form inside the package, affecting its quality. Grind the Coffee:
- Use a burr grinder for best results as it produces a consistent grind size. Adjust the grinder settings according to the brewing method you will be using. Measure and Brew the Coffee:
- Use a digital scale or coffee scoop to measure out 1 gram of coffee per 1 milliliter (ml) of water for each cup (6-8 oz. Preheat your brewer, carafe, and mug with hot water. This will help maintain the correct brewing temperature. Pour the water over the coffee in a circular motion to ensure all the grounds are saturated. Allow the coffee to bloom for 30 seconds before continuing with the rest of the brewing process. Use a timer to monitor the brewing time and follow your preferred brewing method. By following these instructions, you will be able to enjoy the rich, full-bodied flavor and aroma that Starbucks Pike Place Roast 200g coffee is known for.

Can I store the Pike Place Roast in my freezer for long term storage and still expect it to taste good when brewed?

The Pike Place Roast from Starbucks is a medium-dark roast coffee that's known for its rich, bold flavor profile. While freezing can be an effective way to preserve the freshness of coffee beans, it's essential to understand that coffee's flavor and aroma compounds are sensitive to temperature fluctuations and moisture. Freezing will not harm the physical structure of the coffee beans or affect their solubility in water when brewed. However, the process involves changing the state of water within the bean from liquid to ice crystals, which can lead to some changes in the chemical composition of the coffee. When you freeze-dry coffee, the process involves removing the moisture content through a combination of freezing and vacuum pressure. This method is often used for instant coffees. However, for whole beans or grounds, it's not feasible due to the difficulty in controlling the temperature and humidity during the freezing process. The main concern when storing Pike Place Roast in the freezer is that the coffee may absorb odors from nearby foods. Coffee is a porous material, and it can soak up flavors like a sponge. This means that if you store your coffee near strong-smelling foods like onions or fish, the coffee may take on those aromas. If you do decide to freeze your Pike Place Roast, make sure to use an airtight container or freezer bag to prevent moisture from entering and affecting the coffee's quality. When you're ready to brew, simply thaw the desired amount of coffee and proceed with brewing as usual. It's worth noting that freezing will not improve the flavor of your coffee; it can only help preserve its freshness. If you want to maintain the optimal flavor of your Pike Place Roast, it's best to store it in an airtight container at room temperature or use a vacuum sealer.

Why do we want more and more coffee?

Do you love it too when the smell of coffee wakes you up? This coffee is the essence of taste and aroma that is most pleasant in the morning. A package of this coffee contains 200.0 g. If you are interested in that package size of coffee look here.

A special coffee for special people. What does Starbucks Pike Place Roast 200g offer?

This coffee is medium roast, whole beans type. If you are interested in medium roast you should look at this website.

If you like coffee with chocolate flavour, you should try this one. It's reach, deap aroma will bring you to different worlds. You can also check other coffees with chocolate here.

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