Grunwerg CG-306

(1 customer review)


Get ready to experience the perfect cup of coffee with Grunwerg CG-306 coffee grinder – the ultimate tool to make the perfect grind!

The Grunwerg CG-306 coffee grinder is an excellent choice for anyone who loves freshly ground coffee. This grinder is both affordable and practical, making it a perfect addition to any kitchen. With its sleek design and durable construction, the CG-306 is built to last and withstand the daily wear and tear of regular use.

One of the best features of the Grunwerg CG-306 is its ability to grind coffee beans to your desired consistency, from fine to coarse. This makes it perfect for use with various brewing methods such as espresso, drip, or French press. This grinder is also easy to use, with a user-friendly design that doesn’t require complicated programming or settings.

The Grunwerg CG-306 coffee grinder is also easy to clean, with a removable stainless steel grinding chamber that can be easily washed by hand or in the dishwasher. The grinder has a compact size, making it easy to store in a cupboard or on a countertop without taking up too much space.

The CG-306 is made of high-quality materials that ensure its durability and longevity. The stainless steel blades are sharp and durable, ensuring efficient and consistent grinding. The grind level selector allows you to choose the perfect grind size for your coffee, so you can achieve the perfect cup every time.

Additionally, the CG-306 has a powerful motor that delivers a quiet and efficient grinding experience. You won’t have to worry about waking up the entire household when making your morning coffee!

Overall, the Grunwerg CG-306 coffee grinder is a great investment for coffee lovers who want the convenience of freshly ground coffee without breaking the bank. Its durability, ease of use, and ability to grind coffee beans to your desired consistency make it a must-have item in any coffee lover’s kitchen. So, if you’re in the market for a coffee grinder, be sure to check out the Grunwerg CG-306!

Hand Grinder

Grunwerg CG-306 properties

Product name CG-306
Type Hand Grinder
Grinding Mechanism Grind
Material Stainless steel
Product name

Product type

Grinding Mechanism


1 review for Grunwerg CG-306

  1. Jeff gr

    The grinder is okay, but I didn’t know how long it takes to grind the coffee !!! I only use it when I have time because grinding coffee in it is not easy. I have to hold it between my legs as there is no rubber underneath so the grinder will slide over the work surface while grinding. I had to check the grinding degree myself, but for the price it was a very nice addition to the kitchen.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Question: How do I clean and maintain my Coffee grinder?

Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet before starting any work on your coffee grinder. Remove all the beans from the grinder's chamber, container or hopper, and wash them under running water. Clean the exterior of the grinder using a soft, damp cloth to remove any coffee residue or dust. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could scratch the surface. Use a small brush with stiff bristles to clean the interior of the grinding chamber and remove any debris or grinds stuck inside. Rinse the interior thoroughly with warm water and dish soap, making sure to reach all corners and crevices. Dry the grinder completely, both inside and out, using a soft cloth or paper towel. Avoid using a hairdryer as it could warp the plastic parts. For electric coffee grinders, clean the blades by inserting a small brush into the opening at the bottom of the chamber. Do not attempt this with manual grinders as it may damage them. Reassemble your grinder and store in a dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Regularly inspect the grinder for any signs of wear or damage, and replace worn-out parts as needed to maintain optimal performance.

How do I properly clean and maintain my Grunwerg CG-306 coffee grinder to ensure optimal performance and longevity?

To clean and maintain your Grunwerg CG-306 coffee grinder, follow these steps:

1. Unplug the grinder from the power source before performing any cleaning or maintenance tasks. Disassemble the grinder by removing the hopper, grounds container, and burr assembly. Wash all removable parts in warm soapy water, using a soft-bristled brush to remove any coffee oils or debris from the grooves and crevices. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry completely before reassembling. Clean the exterior of the grinder with a damp cloth and mild detergent if necessary. Avoid using abrasive cleaners, as they can scratch the finish. Check the burr assembly for wear or damage. If the burrs show signs of wear, replace them to maintain consistent grind size and quality. Clean the interior of the hopper with a soft-bristled brush to remove any coffee residue that may be trapped there. This can prevent moisture buildup and mold growth. Store your Grunwerg CG-306 in a cool, dry place away from heat sources or direct sunlight. This will help prevent warping of the plastic parts. Regularly check the grinding mechanism for proper alignment and adjustment. If necessary, use the provided Allen wrench to make adjustments as needed. Lubricate the burr assembly with food-grade oil periodically (approximately every 6 months) to help prevent rusting and ensure smooth operation. Use only a few drops of oil at a time, applying it to the center hub where the burrs meet. By following these steps, you can help prolong the life of your Grunwerg CG-306 coffee grinder and maintain optimal performance over time.

What types of coffee grinders are on the market?

If you are thinking about choosing a coffee grinder, for example Grunwerg CG-306, we invite you to read our article in which we explain the advantages and disadvantages of electric grinders in relation to manual and discuss the details in the construction and use. You will find out the difference between burrs grinders and steel blade grinders. We also discuss other important parameters of coffee grinders that you should consider before buying it. We try to discuss all significant aspects so that the model you choose matches your preferences. Click here for more information about grinders.

What kind of grinder is Grunwerg CG-306?

There are few types of grinding mechanism used in coffee grinders. You can find manual and electric grinders, burr and knife coffee grinders.This grinder is grind type. You can find all of that type here.

Still can't decide if Grunwerg CG-306 will be a good choice in 2023?

If you still not decided which coffee grinder to choose and you want to compare Grunwerg CG-306 with other models?
Do you want to make sure your coffee is ground to perfection every time? Then check out our latest article on how to choose the best coffee grinder for your needs. Our comprehensive guide covers everything from burr vs. blade grinders to manual vs. electric options. Don't settle for mediocre coffee - read our article and make an informed decision today!

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