Mahlkönig X54


Enjoy the optimal flavor and texture of freshly ground coffee with the premium Mahlkönig X54 coffee grinder.

The Mahlkönig X54 coffee grinder is a high-end coffee grinder designed for professional use. It is built with premium materials and features a wide range of grind settings, making it a versatile tool for coffee shops, cafes, and restaurants.

The grinder is equipped with a powerful motor that can deliver consistent and precise grinds, thanks to its large burr size of 54mm. The burrs are made of hardened steel and are engineered to withstand heavy use, which allows for a longer lifespan and better quality coffee.

One of the standout features of the Mahlkönig X54 is its easy-to-use interface. The grinder has a digital display that shows the grind setting and the number of shots or portions that have been ground. The user can easily adjust the grind setting with the rotary dial on the side of the grinder, making it simple to customize the grind for each individual coffee.

Another impressive feature of the Mahlkönig X54 is its high capacity. The hopper holds up to 1.5 pounds of coffee beans, allowing for continuous grinding without the need for constant refilling. Additionally, the grinder’s design allows for easy access to the burrs for cleaning and maintenance.

The Mahlkönig X54 is also incredibly quiet for a coffee grinder, making it ideal for a busy coffee shop environment. The low noise level allows baristas to grind coffee without disturbing customers or contributing to background noise, which is important for creating a relaxed atmosphere in a coffee shop.

In conclusion, the Mahlkönig X54 coffee grinder is a top-of-the-line coffee grinder that is perfect for any professional setting. Its high-quality burrs, wide range of grind settings, easy-to-use interface, high capacity, and low noise level make it a must-have tool for any coffee shop, cafe, or restaurant. While it may come with a higher price tag than other grinders, its superior quality and features make it worth the investment.

Mahlkönig X54 properties

Product name Mahlkönig X54
Brand Mahlkönig
Type of Coffee Grinder Electric Grinder
Grinding Mechanism Grind
Features Adjustable Grinding, Espresso
Material Stainless steel
Capacity 500.0 g
Colour Black
Width 190.0 mm
Depth 280.0 mm
Height 425.0 mm
Weight 5.1 kg
Product name


Type of Coffee Grinder

Grinding Mechanism











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Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I adjust the grind size on my Maha Koenig X54 coffee grinder?

To adjust the grind size on your Maha Koenig X54 coffee grinder, follow these steps:
1. First, make sure that the grinder is turned off and unplugged from any power source. Locate the adjustment ring at the bottom of the grinding chamber. This is where you can control the grind size by moving it up or down. To increase the grind size (for example, to grind coarser for French press), turn the adjustment ring clockwise until it stops. The burrs will be farther apart, resulting in a larger ground coffee particle. Conversely, if you want to make the grind size finer (such as for espresso), turn the adjustment ring counterclockwise until it stops. The burrs will move closer together, producing smaller ground coffee particles. Once you have reached your desired grind size, tighten the screw on top of the adjustment ring to lock it in place and ensure that it does not accidentally move during use. Plug in the grinder and turn it on to test the grind size. If it is not quite right, make further adjustments as needed and repeat the process until you achieve your desired grind size.

What is the recommended grind setting for French press coffee using the Mahalköniğ X54 grinder?

The recommended grind setting for French press coffee using the Mahalkonig X54 grinder is a medium-coarse grind. This will help ensure that all of the coffee grounds are fully immersed in the hot water and allows enough time for the flavors to extract properly, resulting in a smooth and balanced cup of coffee.

What is the recommended grind setting for a pour over coffee brewing method using the Mahalköng X54 grinder?

The recommended grind setting for a pour-over coffee brewing method using the Mahalköng X54 grinder would be in the range of 30 to 32 on the grinder's settings, which is equivalent to a medium-fine consistency. This grind size allows for better extraction of flavor from the coffee grounds, resulting in a smooth and balanced cup of coffee. Remember that individual preferences may vary, so it might be necessary to experiment with different grind sizes to find the perfect one for you.

"How should I properly clean and maintain my Mahlkönig X54 coffee grinder to ensure optimal performance?"

To keep your Mahlkönig X54 coffee grinder operating at peak performance, we recommend following these steps for cleaning and maintenance:

1. Before each use, remove any leftover grounds from the hopper and burr chamber using a small brush or compressed air. This will help prevent any buildup of oils and debris that could affect the grind consistency. Wipe down the exterior of the grinder with a soft, dry cloth to remove any dust or residue. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as these can damage the finish. Once a week, disassemble the grinder and clean each component thoroughly. Use a small brush or toothbrush to remove any remaining coffee grounds from the burrs, hopper, and chute. For hard-to-reach areas, you can use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to help dissolve stubborn residue. Rinse all parts thoroughly with warm water and allow them to air dry completely before reassembling the grinder. Be sure to dry the burrs carefully to prevent rusting. Regularly check the burr alignment and tightness. If the burrs become misaligned, they can affect the grind consistency and cause uneven extraction. Use a torque wrench to ensure the screws are tightened to the correct specification. Finally, store the grinder in a dry place away from direct sunlight or heat sources. This will help prevent any moisture buildup that could lead to rust or corrosion over time. By following these steps, you can ensure that your Mahlkönig X54 coffee grinder operates smoothly and consistently for many years to come.

What types of coffee grinders are on the market?

If you are thinking about choosing a coffee grinder, for example Mahlkönig X54, we invite you to read our article in which we explain the advantages and disadvantages of electric grinders in relation to manual and discuss the details in the construction and use. You will find out the difference between burrs grinders and steel blade grinders. We also discuss other important parameters of coffee grinders that you should consider before buying it. We try to discuss all significant aspects so that the model you choose matches your preferences. Click here for more information about grinders.

What kind of grinder is Mahlkönig X54?

There are few types of grinding mechanism used in coffee grinders. You can find manual and electric grinders, burr and knife coffee grinders.This grinder is grind type. You can find all of that type here.

Still can't decide if Mahlkönig X54 will be a good choice in 2023?

If you still not decided which coffee grinder to choose and you want to compare Mahlkönig X54 with other models?
Do you want to make sure your coffee is ground to perfection every time? Then check out our latest article on how to choose the best coffee grinder for your needs. Our comprehensive guide covers everything from burr vs. blade grinders to manual vs. electric options. Don't settle for mediocre coffee - read our article and make an informed decision today!

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