Sage the Dose Control


Make your coffee-making experience more precise and efficient with Sage’s intuitive The Dose Control Pro coffee grinder!

As a coffee lover, there are few things more satisfying than a freshly brewed cup of coffee. But, the secret to a perfect cup of coffee lies not just in the quality of beans but also in the grinding process. This is where Sage the Dose Control coffee grinder shines.

Sage the Dose Control coffee grinder is a versatile and user-friendly kitchen appliance that not only grinds coffee beans but also presents you with an array of customized grinding options. With this coffee grinder, you can grind your coffee beans to your desired coarseness and enjoy a more flavorful coffee experience at home.

This coffee grinder has a sleek, compact design that does not take up much space in your kitchen. It is made of high-quality stainless steel and comes with a transparent hopper that can hold up to 12 ounces of beans. It also features a removable tray that makes cleaning after use an effortless task.

The Sage the Dose Control coffee grinder comes with a powerful 165-watt motor that allows you to adjust the grind settings with ease. The advanced conical burr design ensures that your coffee beans are ground evenly and thoroughly, producing consistent and superior coffee grounds. Furthermore, this coffee grinder also features an adjustable grind size selector, enabling you to select the perfect coarseness for your preferred brewing method.

One of the most remarkable features of the Sage the Dose Control coffee grinder is the precision dosing system that allows you to grind precisely the amount of coffee you need. The digital timer display shows how much time it takes to grind the coffee, and you can easily make adjustments to achieve your desired dose. This feature ensures that you never waste coffee again.

Overall, the Sage the Dose Control coffee grinder is a perfect addition to any coffee lover’s kitchen. It is effortless to use, versatile, durable, and produces consistent and superior coffee grounds every time. With this coffee grinder, you can enjoy a perfect cup of coffee from the comfort of your own home, no matter what type of coffee you prefer.

Sage the Dose Control properties

Product name Sage the Dose Control
Brand Sage
Type of Coffee Grinder Electric Grinder
Grinding Mechanism Grind
Effect 130 W
Features Adjustable Grinding, Timer
Colour Silver
Width 204.0 mm
Depth 260.0 mm
Height 446.0 mm
Weight 3.6 kg
Product name


Type of Coffee Grinder

Grinding Mechanism










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Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I adjust the grind size on my Sage the Dose Control grinder for French press coffee?

To adjust the grind size on your Sage the Dose Control grinder for French press coffee, follow these steps:
1. Start by selecting the French Press program on your Sage grinder. This will ensure that the correct grind setting is selected automatically. Place your desired amount of coffee beans into the grinding chamber and secure the lid. Choose the number of cups you want to brew by pressing the "Cups" button on the display, and select the appropriate amount for your French press (usually between 4-12 cups). Press the "Start Grind" button to begin the grinding process. The grinder will automatically adjust the grind size based on the French Press program you selected earlier. Once the grinding is complete, your coffee will be dispensed directly into your French press container below the grinding chamber. If you prefer a finer or coarser grind for your French press coffee, you can still manually adjust the grind size using the "Manual" button on the display. This feature allows you to customize the grind setting based on your personal taste preferences. To adjust the grind size in manual mode, use the "+" and "-" buttons located below the display to increase or decrease the grind setting as desired. Remember that a coarser grind is best for French press coffee. After selecting your preferred manual grind setting, press "Start Grind" to begin grinding. Once you've selected the perfect grind size, save it as a customized program by following these steps:
- Press and hold the "Cups" button until the display reads "Custom". Select the number of cups you want to brew and press "Start Grind". The grinder will remember this setting and use it for future French press brews. Remember to clean your Sage grinder regularly using the provided cleaning tools to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

How do I properly use the Sage the Dose Control coffee grinder to achieve consistent grind sizes for my espresso shots?

The Sage the Dose Control coffee grinder is a high-performance appliance designed specifically for achieving consistent grind sizes essential for producing excellent espresso shots. To make the most of this grinder, follow these steps:

1. Ensure that the machine is clean and free from any residual oils or coffee grounds before use. This will prevent cross-contamination between batches and ensure optimal performance. Load your coffee beans into the hopper, taking care not to overfill it. The ideal amount of coffee for one shot is around 14 grams, so adjust the dosing mechanism accordingly based on your preferences. Select the appropriate grind setting for espresso. This will be a fine grind, with particles measuring between 0. The Sage the Dose Control coffee grinder offers a range of grind settings that can be adjusted using the digital display interface on the front panel. Press the "Start" button to initiate the grinding process. The machine will dispense exactly 14 grams of coffee into your portafilter, regardless of any fluctuations in humidity or other environmental factors that could affect the consistency of the grind. Once the grinding process is complete, remove the portafilter from the machine and use it to prepare your espresso shots as desired. You can now enjoy a perfectly consistent cup with rich flavor and aroma, thanks to the Sage the Dose Control coffee grinder's precise dosing mechanism and fine grind settings.

How do I properly program and use the dosing function on my Sage the Dose Control coffee grinder for optimal brewing results?

To program and use the dosing function on your Sage the Dose Control coffee grinder, please follow these steps:

1. Begin by grinding your coffee beans without using the dosing function to determine the amount required for a full pot of coffee (around 96 grams). Press and hold down the "Dosing" button until the LCD screen displays "PROGRAM". Release the button once you see this message. Use the up and down arrows on the control panel to select "WEIGHT" from the list of options displayed, then press the "Select" button. Set the desired weight (in grams) for your coffee dose using the up and down arrows. Be sure to leave some room in the container for any additional grounds that may accumulate during brewing. Once you have entered the desired weight, press the "Select" button again. The LCD screen will display a countdown timer that indicates how long it will take for the grinder to deliver the specified amount of coffee into the doser container. To use the dosing function during brewing, simply place your coffee maker beneath the dosing chute and press the "Dosing" button once you are ready to add the predetermined amount of ground coffee to the water. The grinder will deliver the correct amount of grounds automatically, ensuring a consistent flavor for every cup of coffee. After using the dosing function, be sure to remove any remaining grounds from the container and clean it out with a soft-bristled brush or damp cloth to prevent clogs and ensure optimal performance over time.

How do I properly use the dosing feature on my Sage the Dose Control coffee grinder for optimal extraction?

To ensure optimal extraction with your Sage the Dose Control coffee grinder, follow these steps when using the dosing feature:

1. Measure out the desired amount of coffee beans and place them in the hopper. Ensure that the portafilter holder is securely attached to the machine. Press the "Dose" button on the control panel. This will initiate the grinding process, and the machine will grind the exact amount of coffee you selected through the dosing feature. Once the grinding process is complete, the ground coffee will be dispensed directly into the portafilter holder. Remove the portafilter holder from the machine and use it to extract your shot of espresso as usual. After each use, make sure to clean out any remaining grounds or debris in the dosing chamber with a small brush or scraper tool provided by Sage. This will ensure that the machine continues to operate at peak performance. Remember to always follow the manufacturer's recommended grind settings and water-to-coffee ratios for your specific coffee beans to achieve optimal flavor extraction.

What types of coffee grinders are on the market?

If you are thinking about choosing a coffee grinder, for example Sage the Dose Control, we invite you to read our article in which we explain the advantages and disadvantages of electric grinders in relation to manual and discuss the details in the construction and use. You will find out the difference between burrs grinders and steel blade grinders. We also discuss other important parameters of coffee grinders that you should consider before buying it. We try to discuss all significant aspects so that the model you choose matches your preferences. Click here for more information about grinders.

What kind of grinder is Sage the Dose Control?

There are few types of grinding mechanism used in coffee grinders. You can find manual and electric grinders, burr and knife coffee grinders.This grinder is grind type. You can find all of that type here.

Still can't decide if Sage the Dose Control will be a good choice in 2023?

If you still not decided which coffee grinder to choose and you want to compare Sage the Dose Control with other models?
Do you want to make sure your coffee is ground to perfection every time? Then check out our latest article on how to choose the best coffee grinder for your needs. Our comprehensive guide covers everything from burr vs. blade grinders to manual vs. electric options. Don't settle for mediocre coffee - read our article and make an informed decision today!

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