Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 3 Cup


Start your morning off with a perfect cup of coffee from Grunwerg’s Café Olé CU-03 3 Cup coffee press – it’s the perfect way to bring out the flavor of your favorite beans!

If you’re a coffee lover looking for a new way to enjoy your daily cup of joe, the Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 3 Cup coffee press may be just what you need. This stylish and durable coffee press is designed to help you make the perfect cup of coffee every time, whether you’re at home or on the go.

What makes the Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 3 Cup coffee press unique is its compact design. Unlike traditional coffee makers, this coffee press was created with smaller households and spaces in mind. The coffee press is made with high-quality stainless steel and boasts a sleek and modern design that will complement any kitchen décor.

Another feature that sets the Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 3 Cup coffee press apart from other coffee presses is its double-walled insulation. This helps to keep your coffee hot for longer, so you can enjoy a hot cup of coffee whenever you want, without having to reheat it.

The Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 3 Cup coffee press is also easy to use. Simply add your favorite coffee grounds to the press, pour hot water, let it steep for a few minutes, and plunge the press. Voila, you have the perfect cup of coffee.

Maintaining the Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 3 Cup coffee press is easy too. The coffee press is dishwasher safe, making cleaning up a breeze.

Ultimately, the Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 3 Cup coffee press is an excellent choice for coffee lovers. It’s compact, durable, and easy to use, making it a great addition to any kitchen. Whether you’re looking for a quick and easy way to brew your coffee, or a more elevated coffee experience, the Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 3 Cup coffee press has got you covered.

Coffee Press, Capacity (Watertank): 0.35 L, Capacity (Cups): 3 , Permanent , Material: Stainless Steel

Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 3 Cup properties

Product name Cafu00e9 Olu00e9 CU-03 3 Cup
Type Coffee Press
Integrated No
Filter Type Permanent
Integrated Coffee Grinder No
Integrated Milk Frother No
Capacity (Watertank) 0.35 L
Capacity (Cups) 3
Material Stainless Steel
Product name

Product type


Filter Type

Integrated Coffee Grinder

Integrated Milk Frother





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Frequently Asked Questions:

How should I properly clean and maintain my Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 3 Cup coffee press after each use to ensure it lasts for a long time?

To clean and maintain your Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 3 Cup coffee press, follow these steps:

1. Disassemble the coffee press after brewing. Remove the plunger, filter basket, and lid. Rinse all the parts with hot water to remove any leftover coffee grounds or oils. Use a soft brush, such as an old toothbrush, to gently scrub the filter basket and inside of the carafe. This will help remove any stubborn coffee residue that may be stuck in the corners. Fill the carafe halfway with hot water and add a teaspoon of white vinegar or lemon juice. Swirl it around for about 30 seconds to one minute, then rinse thoroughly with hot water. This will help remove any remaining oils or residue and keep the glass from becoming cloudy over time. Dry all the parts completely before reassembling the coffee press. This will prevent mold or bacteria growth that can cause off-flavors in your coffee. Store the coffee press in a clean, dry place. Avoid stacking other items on top of it to prevent scratches or damage to the glass carafe. Regularly descale the coffee press with a vinegar solution if you use hard water or notice mineral buildup inside the carafe. To do this, fill the carafe halfway with equal parts white vinegar and water, let it sit for 30 minutes to one hour, then rinse thoroughly with hot water and dry completely. By following these steps, you'll be able to keep your Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 3 Cup coffee press clean, free from odors, and in excellent condition for many years to come.

How do I properly clean and maintain the Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 coffee press?

To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 coffee press, it's crucial to follow a proper cleaning and maintenance routine. Below are some easy steps you can take to keep your coffee press in top condition:

1. Rinse the Coffee Press After Each Use
After brewing your coffee, rinse all parts of the coffee press with warm water. This will remove any remaining coffee grounds or oils that could contribute to a sour taste on subsequent uses. Deep Clean Monthly
Once a month, take apart the coffee press and clean each component separately. Use a mild dish soap and warm water to wash all parts, paying special attention to the filter basket where coffee grinds can accumulate. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and allow all parts to air dry before reassembling. Store Dry
Always store your Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 coffee press in a dry place to prevent mold or mildew growth. Avoid storing it in a cabinet or drawer, as this can trap moisture and create an ideal environment for bacteria. Replace the Filter Basket Regularly
Over time, the filter basket may become worn or damaged, which could affect the quality of your coffee. It's recommended to replace the filter basket every six months or sooner if you notice any signs of wear or damage. Handle with Care
When handling your Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 coffee press, be sure to avoid dropping it or subjecting it to sudden impacts. This could cause cracks or breaks in the glass carafe, which could compromise its safety and functionality.

How do I properly clean and maintain the Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 coffee press?

To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 coffee press, we recommend following these simple cleaning and maintenance procedures. Rinse the Coffee Press: After each use, rinse the entire coffee press with warm water to remove any remaining coffee grounds or residue. Be sure to also clean the plunger, filter basket, and lid thoroughly. Deep Cleaning: Once a week, perform a deep cleaning by disassembling the coffee press and washing each component separately in warm soapy water. Use a soft brush, such as a toothbrush, to gently scrub any hard-to-reach areas. Rinse all components thoroughly with warm water and dry them completely before reassembling. Descaling: Over time, mineral buildup can occur inside the coffee press due to the use of hard water. To descale your Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 coffee press, mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a separate container. Fill the coffee press halfway with the mixture and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and dry all components completely before reassembling. Storage: After each use or deep cleaning, allow the coffee press to air dry completely before storing it in a clean, dry place. This will help prevent mold or mildew from forming inside the coffee press. Filter Maintenance: Over time, the filter basket may become worn or damaged, affecting the quality of your coffee. We recommend replacing the filter basket every 6 months to ensure optimal performance and flavor.

How do I properly use and clean the Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 coffee press to ensure optimal flavor extraction and prevent any residue buildup?

To use the Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 coffee press, follow these steps:

1. Boil fresh water in a kettle or on the stove. The ideal water temperature for coffee brewing is between 195°F to 205°F (91°C to 96°C). Place the coffee press on a flat and stable surface. Measure out the desired amount of ground coffee based on your preference. For every six ounces of water, use one to two tablespoons of coffee grounds. Pour the hot water over the coffee grounds in the press, making sure to saturate all of them evenly. Let the coffee steep for four minutes. This allows the flavors and oils to fully extract from the grounds. After four minutes, slowly push down the plunger of the press to separate the brewed coffee from the grounds. Pour the coffee into your cup or carafe. Clean the press immediately after use to prevent any residue buildup. To clean, disassemble the press and wash all parts with warm water and a mild soap. Rinse thoroughly and dry completely before storing. It's also recommended to run a cycle of vinegar through the press every few weeks to remove any mineral buildup from hard water.

What is Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 3 Cup made of?

Our taste in kitchen design determines the style of appliances and accessories that we want in our kitchen. If we are fans of cool, modern decor, we can choose accessories made of glass and aluminum, while for a warm, southern impression, we will choose porcelain and wood. If you're looking for something in stainless steel, check out our range of stainless steel coffee presses here.

Is Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 3 Cup integrated?

You can't use its integrated milk frother. You have to froth the milk in a separate vessel. And there is no integrated coffee grinder. If you want to grind your coffee check our grinders too.

What is the best capacity of coffee press?

Of course, it depends on how many people will be using the press at one time. Grunwerg Café Olé CU-03 3 Cup has capacity of 0.35 L. It means that you can get 3 cups of coffee. If you want to know more about coffee presses check out this article.

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