Clipper Papua New Guinea Rich Roast 100g


Unleash the bold, rich and full-bodied flavors of Clipper’s Papua New Guinea Rich Roast 100g coffee, ethically sourced from smallholder farmers, delivering a perfect pick-me-up to your daily routine.

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Clipper Papua New Guinea Rich Roast 100g coffee is a premium organic coffee that is sourced from the lush, green mountains of Papua New Guinea. This exquisite blend has been carefully crafted to deliver a rich, full-bodied flavor with subtle hints of chocolate and spice.
The coffee beans used in this blend are grown by small-scale farmers who adhere to sustainable farming practices to ensure the highest quality beans. The beans are then roasted to perfection to bring out their natural flavors and aromas, resulting in a truly exceptional cup of coffee.
One of the key reasons why you should choose Clipper Papua New Guinea Rich Roast 100g coffee is because it is certified organic. This means that it has been grown without the use of harmful pesticides or chemical fertilizers, making it a healthier and more environmentally friendly choice than conventionally grown coffee.
Another reason to choose this coffee is its rich flavor profile. The combination of Papua New Guinea’s unique terroir with Clipper’s expertise in roasting creates a coffee that is both smooth and full-bodied, with notes of dark chocolate, caramel, and spice.
This coffee is also available in a convenient 100g pack, making it perfect for those who want to enjoy a high-quality cup of coffee without committing to a larger bag. Plus, the packaging is fully recyclable, so you can feel good about your choice from start to finish.
In summary, Clipper Papua New Guinea Rich Roast 100g coffee is an exceptional organic coffee that offers a rich and flavorful taste experience. Its commitment to sustainable farming practices and eco-friendly packaging make it an excellent choice for those who want to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee without harming the environment.


Clipper Papua New Guinea Rich Roast 100g properties

Product name Papua New Guinea Rich Roast
Type Coffee
Segment Organic
Weight/pack. 100.0 g
Product name

Product type




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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the process of making Clipper Papua New Guinea Rich Roast 100g coffee, and how should it be stored for optimum freshness?

Making a perfect cup of Clipper Papua New Guinea Rich Roast 100g Coffee involves multiple steps. Here is the step by step guide:

1. **Preparation:** First, make sure you have all the necessary equipment and ingredients at hand: a coffee grinder or pre-ground coffee if required, a kettle, a coffee maker or French press, water, and your 100g pack of Clipper Papua New Guinea Rich Roast Coffee.

2. **Grinding the beans:** If you don't have pre-ground coffee, then start by grinding your coffee beans. It is best to grind just enough for your desired number of cups as ground coffee can lose its flavor quickly. A burr grinder gives a consistent grind size and is recommended for the best results.

3. **Measure the Coffee:** Measure out one level tablespoon (about 7g) of ground coffee per cup of water you intend to use. For example, if you want to make a standard 8-ounce mug, you'll need about 7 grams of coffee grounds.

4. **Brewing the Coffee:** Follow your coffee maker or French press instructions for brewing. If using a French press, add freshly ground coffee to the carafe and pour hot water over it, making sure all the grounds are fully saturated. Wait for 30 seconds before plunging. If using a drip coffee machine, add your coffee grounds to the filter basket and pour water over them at around 195-205°F.

5. **Pour and Enjoy:** Once your coffee is brewed, pour it into your favorite mug and enjoy!

For optimal freshness, it’s essential to store your Clipper Papua New Guinea Rich Roast Coffee properly.

1. **Keep it Airtight:** An airtight container is crucial for preserving the flavor of coffee. Keep your beans or ground coffee in an opaque, airtight container away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and moisture.

2. **Cool and Dark Place:** Store your coffee in a cool and dark place, such as a pantry or kitchen cabinet, to keep it fresh for longer. Direct sunlight can cause the oils on the surface of the beans or ground coffee to oxidize, resulting in stale and bitter flavors.

3. **Avoid Exposure to Oxygen:** Use an air-tight container with a one-way valve that releases excess CO2 produced during the roasting process while keeping oxygen out. This will prevent your coffee from going stale quickly.

4. **Use it up Quickly:** Coffee is at its best within two weeks of opening the package, so try to use it up as soon as possible after opening. If you're not able to finish a bag within this time frame, consider freezing the remaining beans to extend their shelf life.

How should I brew and store my Clipper Papua New Guinea Rich Roast 100g coffee bag for best results?

To get the most out of your Clipper Papua New Guinea Rich Roast Coffee, we recommend using a cafetiere (French press), an aeropress or a Moka pot. Here are some simple steps to brew a great cup of coffee:
1. Heat fresh, cold water to between 92-96°C. We advise against boiling water as it may scald your coffee grounds and negatively affect the flavor.
2. Grind the coffee beans just before brewing, using a medium grind size. This will help to extract the flavors without over-extracting or producing bitter notes.
3. Place one rounded tablespoon of coffee per cup into your chosen brewing device (adjust the amount according to personal taste preference).
4. Pour the heated water over the grounds, ensuring they are fully saturated.
5. Let the coffee steep for a few minutes before pressing down on the plunger or removing the filter.
6. Pour the freshly brewed coffee into your cup and enjoy!
Unopened, Clipper’s coffee bags have an indefinite shelf life when stored in a cool dry place. Once opened, it is best to consume within 2-3 weeks for maximum freshness. Always ensure the bag is sealed properly after each use to prevent moisture and oxygen from entering which can deteriorate the quality of the coffee.

How does the acidity level of Clipper Papua New Guinea Rich Roast coffee compare to other varieties in its category?

Clipper Papua New Guinea Rich Roast coffee boasts a medium body with a pleasantly bitter taste, thanks to its high acidity level. Compared to other coffees in the rich roast category, Clipper's Papua New Guinea variety stands out for its exceptional acidity that leaves a lasting impression on the palate. This unique characteristic sets it apart from similarly roasted blends and makes it an excellent choice for coffee enthusiasts who prefer bold flavors with a bright finish.

How should I brew Clipper Papua New Guinea Rich Roast coffee for the best taste?

To enjoy the rich, bold flavor of Clipper Papua New Guinea Rich Roast coffee, we recommend brewing it using a drip coffee maker or French press. Here's how to do it:

Drip Coffee Maker:
1. Measure out 1-2 tablespoons of coffee grounds for every 6 oz of water (adjust based on your preferred strength). Place the coffee filter in the machine and add the measured coffee grounds. Fill the reservoir with fresh, cold water and turn on the machine. Allow the coffee to brew until it's finished, then pour and enjoy!

French Press:
1. Boil fresh, cold water and let it cool for a minute or two before use. Add 1-2 tablespoons of coffee grounds per 6 oz of water (adjust based on your preferred strength). Pour the hot water over the coffee grounds in the French press, making sure all the grounds are wet. Let the coffee steep for 4-5 minutes before pressing down the plunger and pouring.

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