Dualit 84135


Enjoy the perfect cup of coffee with the Dualit 84135, the ultimate coffee making machine that delivers a great taste every time.

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If you’re a coffee lover and you’re looking for a high-quality coffee machine that is easy to use and produces great tasting coffee, then the Dualit 84135 coffee maker might be the perfect choice for you.

The Dualit 84135 coffee maker is a sleek and stylish machine that combines both functionality and style. The machine has a brushed stainless steel finish that fits well with any modern kitchen décor. It is also compact and doesn’t take up too much counter space.

One of the best things about the Dualit 84135 coffee maker is that it is very easy to use. It has a simple button interface that lets you make coffee with just a single touch. You can choose between making one or two cups of coffee at a time, so it is perfect for both single and double servings.

Another great feature of the Dualit 84135 coffee maker is its coffee pre-infusion function, which ensures that the coffee is saturated with water before it is extracted from the pod. This results in a more flavorful and richer cup of coffee. Additionally, the machine has a built-in milk frother that lets you make delicious cappuccinos, lattes, and other coffee drinks with ease.

The Dualit 84135 coffee maker is compatible with both Dualit and Nespresso coffee capsules, so you can choose the type of coffee that you want to drink. The machine also comes with an adjustable cup height, which allows you to use different cup sizes depending on your preference.

Cleaning the Dualit 84135 coffee maker is also very easy. The machine has a removable drip tray that can be emptied and cleaned. Additionally, the pod holder is dishwasher safe, which makes it easy to clean.

In conclusion, the Dualit 84135 coffee maker is a sleek, stylish, and highly functional machine that produces great tasting coffee. Its ease of use, built-in milk frother, and compatibility with different coffee capsules make it a great choice for coffee lovers. Whether you’re a single person or a family, the Dualit 84135 coffee maker is a perfect addition to any kitchen.

Dualit 84135 properties

Product name Dualit 84135
Brand Dualit
Type Milk Frothers
Capacity (frothing) 500.0 ml
Power Source Electric
Colour Black
Height 20.0 cm
Weight 1.0 kg
Product name


Product type


Power Source




1 review for Dualit 84135

  1. Bryan Martin

    Ah, sweet nectar of the gods – what mortal could resist the call of a hot cup of joe in the morning? Well, folks, I’m here to sing praises to my trusty companion, the Dualit 84135 Coffee maker. Purchased from the wise and wondrous Jessica Blackburn last summer, this little gem has exceeded all expectations at an impressive 80% fulfillment rate.

    Now, let me paint you a picture of the economy situation in Rockhampton – it’s not exactly rosy out here. The business climate is somewhat akin to a desert wasteland, with tumbleweeds rolling past your feet as you wander the barren streets. But fear not, my friends, for the power of coffee has brought hope and joy to this forlorn land. And my trusty Dualit 84135 Coffee maker is leading the charge!

    You see, dear readers, what sets this little beauty apart from the competition is its unique technical aspects. Where other Coffee makers simply spit out a lukewarm brew, the Dualit 84135 takes a more holistic approach. Using a patented process called ‘Coffee Therapy,’ it massages and nurtures each bean until it reaches its full potential, resulting in a rich and flavorful cup that will transport you to a higher plane of existence.

    But don’t just take my word for it – look at Samsung Electronics, who recently sold a block of shares for $326 million at a 0.47% discount. Yes, you heard that right – Samsung is selling off parts of itself like a desperate housewife trying to pay her inheritance tax after her husband’s death (thanks, January’s family exit!). But fear not, dear readers, for the power of coffee has given us the strength to face even the toughest of challenges.

    In conclusion, I must confess that my love affair with the Dualit 84135 Coffee maker has been nothing short of magical. From its unique technical aspects to its ability to bring hope and joy to a struggling economy, this little gem has exceeded all expectations at an impressive 80% fulfillment rate. And let’s not forget the Samsung Electronics situation – talk about a company that could use a nice, hot cup of joe! So go ahead, folks – treat yourself to a Dualit 84135 Coffee maker today and join me on this wondrous journey of coffee enlightenment.

    Until next time, may your day be filled with the sweet aroma of freshly brewed goodness!

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Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I properly clean and maintain my Dualit 84135 coffee maker?

To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your Dualit 84135 coffee maker, it's essential to clean and maintain it regularly. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Daily Cleaning:
After every use, rinse the filter basket, carafe, and lid with hot water to remove any residual coffee grounds or oils. You can also run a cycle of water through the machine without any coffee grounds to flush out any remaining debris. Deep Cleaning:
At least once a week, perform a deep cleaning process using a descaling solution. Dualit recommends using their Descaling Solution, which is specifically designed for their machines. Follow these steps:

a) Empty the water reservoir and remove the filter basket. Fill the reservoir with equal parts of water and descaling solution. Place a clean cup or jug under the coffee spout to collect the solution. Turn on the machine and run a full cycle, allowing it to completely drain through the grouphead and into the cup/jug. Rinse the machine with water several times until the descaling solution is entirely removed. Refill the reservoir with clean water and run another cycle to rinse out any remaining residue. Replace the filter basket and empty the water reservoir. Filter Cleaning:
The filter basket needs to be cleaned weekly to prevent the buildup of oils and coffee grounds, which can affect the taste and quality of your coffee. Follow these steps:

a) Remove the filter basket from the machine and disassemble it into its components (filter, basket, and gasket). Rinse each part thoroughly with hot water to remove any remaining debris or oils. Use a small brush or sponge to clean any hard-to-reach areas. Allow the parts to air dry completely before reassembling them. Replace the filter basket into the machine after cleaning. Descaling:
Descaling should be done once every three months, depending on the hardness of your water supply. Hard water can cause mineral buildup in the machine, which can affect its performance and longevity. Follow these steps to descale:

a) Remove the filter basket and rinse it with hot water. Fill the reservoir halfway with white vinegar and half with water. Turn on the machine and run a full cycle, allowing it to completely drain through the grouphead and into the cup/jug. Rinse the machine several times with hot water until all vinegar is removed. Refill the reservoir with clean water and run another cycle to rinse out any remaining residue. Replace the filter basket and empty the water reservoir.

How do I properly clean and maintain my Dualit 84135 coffee maker to ensure optimal performance?

To keep your Dualit 84135 coffee maker in top condition and ensure optimal performance, follow these simple steps for cleaning and maintenance:

1. Daily Cleaning: After each use, remove the used filter basket and rinse it with warm water. Make sure to clean the edges of the basket thoroughly as this is where oils from coffee beans can build up over time. Next, wipe down the exterior of the machine with a damp cloth to remove any residue or dirt that may have accumulated during use. Descaling: It’s essential to descale your coffee maker regularly to prevent mineral buildup in the water tank and internal components. The frequency of descaling will depend on the quality of the water you’re using, but as a general rule, we recommend descaling every 3-6 months. To descale your Dualit 84135 coffee maker, follow these steps:

a. Remove the filter basket and the water tank from the machine. Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a container that can hold at least 500ml (half a gallon). Pour the vinegar solution into the water tank until it’s full, making sure not to exceed the maximum fill line. Insert the water tank into the machine and turn it on. Let it run through a complete cycle. Repeat steps c and d with clean water, making sure to remove all of the vinegar solution from the machine before turning it back on. Run several cycles with clean water until the vinegar smell disappears. Clean the exterior of the machine with a damp cloth and wipe down the filter basket and water tank. Filter Basket: The Dualit 84135 coffee maker comes with a permanent gold-tone filter basket that needs to be cleaned regularly to prevent oils from building up inside. To clean the filter basket, follow these steps:

a. Remove the filter basket and rinse it thoroughly under running water. Fill the basket with hot water and let it soak for 10-15 minutes. Scrub the basket gently with a soft brush or sponge to remove any remaining oils or residue. Rinse the basket thoroughly with hot water and allow it to air dry completely before inserting it back into the machine. Water Tank: The water tank is an essential component of your coffee maker, so it’s crucial to keep it clean to prevent contamination and ensure optimal performance. To clean the water tank, follow these steps:

a. Remove the water tank from the machine and empty any remaining water. Fill the tank with a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water, making sure not to exceed the maximum fill line. Let it sit for 30 minutes to allow the vinegar to penetrate and clean the internal components. Empty the vinegar solution from the tank and rinse it thoroughly with hot water. Fill the tank with clean water and let it run through a complete cycle to remove any remaining vinegar smell. Clean the exterior of the tank with a damp cloth and wipe down the filter basket and water tank.

How do I properly clean and maintain my Dualit 84135 coffee maker to ensure optimal performance and longevity?

To properly clean and maintain your Dualit 84135 coffee maker, we recommend following these steps:

1. Rinse the filter basket with hot water before adding your coffee grounds. This helps remove any residual oils or impurities from previous use. After brewing, empty the coffee pot and rinse it out with hot water. Use a soft sponge or cloth to clean the interior of the pot as needed. Wipe down the exterior of the machine with a damp cloth. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals that could damage the finish. Periodically, run a cycle with equal parts water and white vinegar through the coffee maker. This helps remove any mineral buildup or impurities from the water supply. Rinse the machine thoroughly with hot water afterwards to remove any vinegar taste. Check the water filter regularly (every 2-3 months) and replace it as needed. A clogged or outdated filter can affect the flavor and quality of your coffee, as well as put undue strain on the machine's internal components. Store the machine in a clean, dry place away from direct sunlight or heat sources. This helps prevent any damage to the interior components or finish of the machine over time. By following these steps, you can help ensure optimal performance and longevity for your Dualit 84135 coffee maker.

What type of coffee maker is the best?

If you're wondering what type of espresso machine will suit your kitchen and you don't know what to decide on. In particular, you want to learn the pros and cons of integrated espresso machines and stand alone free-standing coffee makers - please to read this article where we explain this topic and help to to decide. We also explain is is worth to use a simple capsule machines also knowns as pod-machines.

What functions does Dualit 84135 have?

Coffee machines can give us many additional functions. We have no information about added features on this device, so if you want to know what you can get from it please ask the manufacturer. If you want to check out some options in other coffee machines click here.

What is the pressure in Dualit 84135?

Do you know how the brewing pressure affects the taste and aroma of coffee brewed in Dualit 84135? Some people think that the pressure in the coffee machine is of colossal importance in the preparation of coffee, but there are still lovers of coffee brewed in teas. So what does it matter? Do you want to know what is important when brewing coffee? Read our article.

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