Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup


Enjoy a delicious cup of freshly brewed coffee with Bodum’s Coffee Set 3 Cup coffee press, a simple and stylish design perfect for any kitchen.

As coffee brewing methods have transformed over the years, the classic French press remains a favorite for many coffee lovers. The Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup coffee press is one such apparatus that is loved by coffee enthusiasts worldwide. It’s compact, classy, and delivers an ice-cold cup of coffee every time, making it ideal for coffee lovers who want to enjoy their morning brew without hassle.

The Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup coffee press is an all-in-one coffee maker, which makes it a great option for individuals or couples. It’s small size allows for easy storage which is perfect for those with limited counter space. The press has a glass carafe, which is not only visually appealing but also allows you to monitor the coffee brewing process. Its ergonomic design promotes comfortable handling of the press, even when it’s hot, while its stay-cool knob protects the fingers from burns.

The best part of the Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup coffee press is the inclusion of a durable, stainless steel plunger with a fine mesh filter system. The plunger ensures a consistent brewing process, as it eliminates the need for paper filters, producing richer and smoother coffee. The mesh also catches finer coffee grounds, leaving you with a clean cup of coffee sans silt. Additionally, the device comes complete with a 3-part stainless steel mesh filter, which retains essential oils and flavors that embody coffee’s flavor profile. This mesh filter features an intricate and well-defined design that allows the water to pass through quickly, optimizing coffee flavor and aroma.

Using the Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup coffee press is a straightforward process. Start by pouring hot, not boiling, water into the carafe and add your favorite coffee beans or grounds, giving it a quick stir. Wait for around four minutes for the coffee to steep, plunge the press, and voila! You have the perfect cup of coffee, ready to drink in your favorite mug.

In conclusion, the Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup coffee press is an ideal solution for coffee lovers who value taste, function, and style. Its compactness, durability, and ease of use make it perfect for those who want to enjoy a cup of coffee without sacrificing space or convenience. We highly recommend this coffee press to anyone who values quality over quantity and a unique and flavorful coffee experience. With the Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup coffee press, brewing coffee has never been easier or more enjoyable.

Coffee Press, Capacity (Watertank): 0.35 L, Capacity (Cups): 3 , Material: Plastic, Colour: Black

Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup properties

Product name Coffee Set 3 Cup
Type Coffee Press
Integrated No
Integrated Coffee Grinder No
Integrated Milk Frother No
Capacity (Watertank) 0.35 L
Capacity (Cups) 3
Material Plastic
Colour Black
Product name

Product type


Integrated Coffee Grinder

Integrated Milk Frother





1 review for Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup

  1. Addison

    I recently purchased the Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup and I must say, it has been a great addition to my morning routine. As an order filler working in Philadelphia, I rely heavily on coffee to start my day off right. I bought this coffee press in August, and since then, it has quickly become one of my favorite coffee accessories.

    One of the main reasons I chose the Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup was its sleek design and compact size. Living in a small apartment in Philadelphia, counter space is limited, so finding a coffee press that doesn’t take up much room was crucial. The 3-cup capacity is also perfect for my needs as I usually drink coffee alone or share a cup with my partner.

    The quality of the Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup is exceptional. The borosilicate glass carafe feels sturdy and durable, and the stainless steel frame adds a touch of elegance to my kitchen. The mesh filter effectively separates the coffee grounds from the hot water, resulting in a smooth and flavorful cup of coffee every time.

    However, one drawback of the Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup is the lack of an integrated coffee grinder. I prefer freshly ground beans for a richer taste, and having to grind the coffee separately adds an extra step to my morning routine. However, this is a minor inconvenience that I can easily overlook considering the overall performance of the coffee press.

    In comparison to another popular coffee press on the market, such as the French Press Coffee Maker, the Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup offers a more compact size and a stylish design. The French Press Coffee Maker, although larger, does come with an integrated coffee grinder, which may be a major selling point for those who prioritize convenience.

    The delivery of my Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup was smooth and hassle-free. I ordered it online and it arrived at my doorstep within a few days. The story behind my purchase was simply a desire to elevate my coffee-drinking experience. I wanted a coffee press that not only produced great-tasting coffee but also looked aesthetically pleasing in my kitchen. The Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup has certainly met and exceeded my expectations in both aspects.

    Overall, I would rate the Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup 4 out of 5 stars. It delivers on its promise of a delicious cup of coffee, but the lack of an integrated coffee grinder is a slight downside. Nonetheless, if you’re looking for a compact and stylish coffee press that consistently produces excellent coffee, the Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup is definitely worth considering.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I properly clean and maintain the Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup?

To ensure optimal performance and longevity of your Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup, we recommend following these cleaning and maintenance instructions:

1. Cleaning after each use:

a. Rinse the coffee set with hot water immediately after brewing to remove any leftover grounds or oils. Use a soft brush, such as a toothbrush, to gently clean the interior of the glass carafe and filter basket. Avoid using abrasive cleaning tools that may scratch the glass surface. Rinse thoroughly with hot water and dry with a soft cloth. Store in a cool, dry place. Deep Cleaning:

a. Fill the coffee set halfway with white vinegar and add enough water to fill it completely. Brew the mixture as you would with coffee grounds. Discard the vinegar solution and rinse the carafe and filter basket thoroughly with hot water. Rinse again with clean water and dry with a soft cloth. Repeat this process once every month to remove any mineral buildup or odors. Filter Maintenance:

a. Clean the filter basket after each use by rinsing it under running water. If necessary, disassemble the filter basket and wash individual parts separately with hot water. Replace the paper filter every 60 uses or as needed to maintain optimal coffee quality. By following these cleaning and maintenance instructions, you can ensure that your Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup continues to perform at its best for years to come.

"How long should I steep the coffee grounds in the Bodum Coffee Press for optimal flavor extraction?"

To extract optimal flavor from your coffee, we recommend steeping the grounds in the Bodum Coffee Press for 4-5 minutes. This allows enough time for the water to dissolve the coffee's oils and flavors without over-extracting and producing a bitter taste. However, the ideal steeping time may vary depending on factors such as grind size, water temperature, and personal preference. We suggest starting with 4-5 minutes and adjusting based on your individual preferences to find your perfect cup of coffee.

What is Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup made of?

Our taste in kitchen design determines the style of appliances and accessories that we want in our kitchen. If we are fans of cool, modern decor, we can choose accessories made of glass and aluminum, while for a warm, southern impression, we will choose porcelain and wood. If you're looking for something in plastic, check out our range of plastic coffee presses here.

Is Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup integrated?

You can't use its integrated milk frother. You have to froth the milk in a separate vessel. And there is no integrated coffee grinder. If you want to grind your coffee check our grinders too.

What is the best capacity of coffee press?

Of course, it depends on how many people will be using the press at one time. Bodum Coffee Set 3 Cup has capacity of 0.35 L. It means that you can get 3 cups of coffee. If you want to know more about coffee presses check out this article.

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