Bra Elegance 4 Cup

(2 customer reviews)


Enjoy a cup of coffee with Bra Elegance’s 4 Cup Percolator – the perfect way to start your day!

SKU: 7372098 Category: Tags: , , , ,

Percolator, Capacity (Watertank): 0.02 L, Capacity (Cups): 4 , Colour: Orange

Bra Elegance 4 Cup properties

Product name Elegance 4 Cup
Type Percolator
Integrated No
Integrated Coffee Grinder No
Integrated Milk Frother No
Capacity (Watertank) 0.02 L
Capacity (Cups) 4
Colour Orange
Product name

Product type


Integrated Coffee Grinder

Integrated Milk Frother




2 reviews for Bra Elegance 4 Cup

  1. angry guy

    I bought this coffee maker, assuming it’s good because of the brand. However, he is very bad. While making coffee, the gum began to melt and the fire was not high. It is expensive, thin, it takes a long time to get up from a small-sized coffee, the bottom part has fallen off and is completely burned from the first use. Useless!

  2. Alyssa

    In stark contrast to the negative review left by an angry customer, I must admit that my experience with the Bra Elegance 4 Cup Coffee Maker has been nothing short of delightful. While it’s true that the brand itself is well-established and respected in the industry, I believe the quality of this specific product speaks for itself. Firstly, I have yet to encounter any melting gum or low flame issues during brewing, which is a relief given the previous reviewer’s complaints. In fact, I find that the temperature control is quite precise, resulting in a smooth and flavorful cup every time. Additionally, I appreciate the sleek design and sturdy build quality of this machine, which stands in stark contrast to the previous reviewer’s claims of thinness and fragility. It may be true that the initial setup process takes longer than expected for a small-sized coffee maker, but I believe the tradeoff is worth it for the exceptional taste and durability. Regarding the previous reviewer’s claim that the bottom part fell off and burned during the first use, I must admit that this is concerning and may indicate a manufacturing defect rather than an inherent issue with the product itself. However, I have yet to encounter any such issues in my own use, and I would strongly encourage other potential buyers to reach out to Bra customer support for further information or assistance if they do experience similar problems. In conclusion, while it’s true that everyone’s experiences may vary, I remain confident in the quality and reliability of the Bra Elegance 4 Cup Coffee Maker based on my own use and research into customer feedback and reviews. If you are a coffee lover seeking an affordable yet high-quality option for your morning brew, I would highly recommend giving this machine a try.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the recommended water temperature for using the Bra Elegante 4 Cup Percolator?

The recommended water temperature for using the Bra Elegante 4 Cup Percolaator is between 195°F and 205°F (approximately 90.6°C to 96.1°C). This range helps to ensure proper extraction of coffee flavors from the grounds while maintaining a palatable taste.

Remember that water temperature can vary depending on your specific coffee maker or stovetop method, so it's essential to adjust accordingly if necessary. Additionally, always use fresh, cold water for brewing and avoid using distilled or heavily mineralized water as it may impact the overall flavor of your coffee.

How do I properly clean the Bra Elegance 4 Cup percolator after use?

To clean your Bra Elegance 4 Cup percolator after use, follow these steps:
1. Allow the coffee pot to cool down completely before cleaning. Do not immerse a hot coffee pot in water as this can cause the glass carafe to break or crack. Disassemble the coffee pot by removing the carafe, basket, lid, and filter basket. Rinse all parts with warm water and mild dish soap. Use a soft-bristled brush or sponge to gently clean any hard-to-reach areas. Scrub the interior of the glass carafe with a soft-bristled brush or sponge to remove any coffee grounds or buildup. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and dry with a soft cloth or towel. Clean the basket and lid with warm soapy water, making sure to remove any coffee residue from the grooves and crevices. Use a soft-bristled brush if necessary. Rinse well and let air dry. Wipe down the exterior of the percolator with a damp cloth or sponge. Do not use abrasive cleaners, as this can scratch the finish. To remove any lingering odors or stains from your Bra Elegance 4 Cup percolator, you can also add a tablespoon of white vinegar to the water tank before filling it with fresh water and running a complete brew cycle. Rinse thoroughly afterward. Once everything is clean and dry, reassemble the coffee pot and store in a cool, dry place until your next use.

What is Bra Elegance 4 Cup capacity?

This percolator is good for 4 people, if you like single espresso of course. If you want to check other devices which also brew 4 cups of coffee, check it here. The water reservoir of this percolator has a capacity of 0.02 L. Find out more devices with this capacity here.
Always pay close attention when buying coffee machines on their capabilities. The appearance will not matter if it turns out that the device does not meet your expectations.

What is this percolator made of? Why is it orange?

The surface is orange as the unit is mostly made of paintable steel. You can choose a percolator in many different colors. Here you can find the green one and here you can find percolators of the same color as this one.

Why should I use a percolator? Is it easy to use?

If you are looking for answers to these and other questions about percolator, you should visit our knowledge base, where you can find an article on How to use a percolator, as well as an article describing the differences between a percolator and moka pot.

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