Slancio Slancio 10 Cup


Get the perfect pour-over coffee every time with Slancio Slancio’s 10 Cup percolator – a top-rated coffee maker for every coffee lover.

SKU: 6988700 Category: Tags: , , ,

Percolator, Capacity (Cups): 10

Slancio Slancio 10 Cup properties

Product name Slancio 10 Cup
Type Percolator
Integrated No
Integrated Coffee Grinder No
Integrated Milk Frother No
Capacity (Cups) 10
Product name

Product type


Integrated Coffee Grinder

Integrated Milk Frother


1 review for Slancio Slancio 10 Cup

  1. Zander Frank

    As someone who loves a good cup of coffee, I was excited to try out the Slancio Slancio 10 Cup percolator. Unfortunately, I was quite disappointed with this product and would only give it a 2 out of 5 rating.

    Firstly, I was disappointed to see that there was no integrated milk frother. For the price of this percolator, I had much higher expectations. I often enjoy a latte or cappuccino, so this was a big let down for me.

    Additionally, the Slancio Slancio 10 Cup percolator just didn’t seem to produce the quality of coffee that I was after. It was a bit weak and lacking in flavor, which was really disappointing.

    When it comes to percolators, I’ve found that the Bialetti Moka Express is a much better option. Firstly, it’s a stovetop percolator, so it’s a bit more versatile. And secondly, it just produces a better quality cup of coffee. I think it’s worth the investment for anyone who really loves their coffee.

    As for the story behind my purchase of the Slancio Slancio 10 Cup percolator, I had actually been eyeing it for a while. It seemed like a good option for the price and I was excited to try it out. Unfortunately, it just didn’t live up to my expectations. And to make matters worse, the delivery to Oakland was a bit of a mess. It took a lot longer than I expected and I had to deal with some frustrating customer service issues. All in all, I think I’ll be sticking with my Bialetti Moka Express from now on.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I properly clean my Slancio 10 Cup Pour-Over Coffee Maker (Percolator)?

Cleaning your Slancio 10 Cup Pour-Over Coffee Maker is essential to maintain its functionality and ensure a great-tasting coffee every time. Here's how you can clean it properly:

1. After brewing, let the coffee maker cool down for about 30 minutes. This will allow residual heat to dissipate, preventing burns while cleaning.

2. Disassemble the components: Remove the glass carafe, lid, and filter basket from the base. Separate the individual parts of the filter basket (the top part with holes and the bottom part with a handle).

3. Hand wash all parts: Wash each component in warm water using mild dish soap. Make sure to remove any coffee grounds or debris stuck inside the filter basket, lid, and glass carafe. Rinse thoroughly under running water until no soap residue remains.

4. Clean the base: Use a damp cloth or sponge with mild dish soap to clean the exterior of the base. Pay special attention to the areas around buttons and switches where coffee grounds may accumulate. Rinse well and dry with a clean towel.

5. Sanitize the carafe: To sanitize your glass carafe, mix equal parts water and white vinegar in the carafe. Heat the solution in the microwave for about 2 minutes or until it reaches boiling point. Let it cool down for a few minutes before pouring out the mixture. Rinse the carafe thoroughly with warm water to remove any residue from the vinegar.

6. Assemble and dry: Reassemble all cleaned parts of your Slancio 10 Cup Pour-Over Coffee Maker, making sure everything fits securely. Place the coffee maker on a clean, dry surface to air-dry completely before using it again.

By following these steps regularly, you'll keep your Slancio 10 Cup Pour-Over Coffee Maker in top condition and ensure consistent, delicious coffee every time!

"How do I properly clean and maintain the Slancio Slancio 10 Cup coffee maker?"

Cleaning your Slancio Slancio 10 Cup coffee maker regularly is essential to ensure its longevity and optimal performance. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to clean and maintain your Slancio coffee maker:

1. Daily Cleaning: After each use, rinse the carafe, lid, and filter basket thoroughly with hot water. This helps prevent the buildup of mineral deposits and other impurities. Deep Cleaning: Once a week, remove all removable parts (carafe, filter basket, and filter) and wash them in warm soapy water. Rinse thoroughly and allow to air dry before reassembling. Descaling: Over time, mineral deposits can build up inside the coffee maker, which affects its performance. To descale your Slancio coffee maker, follow these steps:
- Fill the water reservoir with equal parts white vinegar and water. Run a brew cycle without inserting the filter basket or coffee grounds. Discard the vinegar solution and rinse the carafe and filter basket with cold water. Refill the water reservoir with fresh water, run another brew cycle, and discard the water. Repeat this process until the vinegar smell is gone. Filter Cleaning: The permanent filter in your Slancio coffee maker should be cleaned regularly to prevent the accumulation of grounds and oils. Rinse it with hot water after each use or soak it in a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water for 15-30 minutes before rinsing thoroughly. Maintenance: To prolong the life of your Slancio coffee maker, follow these tips:
- Keep the unit away from heat sources and direct sunlight. Clean the exterior with a soft, damp cloth. Store it in a dry place. Periodically check the cord and plug for any signs of wear or damage. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners on the coffee maker's surface. By following these cleaning and maintenance tips, you can ensure that your Slancio coffee maker continues to deliver rich and delicious coffee day after day.

How do I properly clean and maintain my Slancio Slancio 10 Cup Percolator to ensure optimal coffee flavor and prevent any potential damage to the machine?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to clean and maintain your Slancio Slancio 10 Cup Percolator:

1. Before cleaning, make sure that the percolator is unplugged and has cooled down completely. This will prevent any electrical hazards or burns. Disassemble the percolator by removing the filter basket, lid, and glass carafe from the base unit. Wash all removable parts in warm soapy water using a soft sponge or brush. Rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue. Clean the inside of the percolator base unit by wiping it down with a damp cloth. Avoid getting water into the electrical components. Dry all parts completely before reassembling the percolator. This will prevent any mold or bacteria growth. Once a week, mix equal parts vinegar and water to create a cleaning solution. Fill the glass carafe with this solution and allow it to sit for 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry all parts as usual. To prevent mineral buildup in your coffee, use filtered or distilled water instead of tap water when brewing. This will also help prolong the life of your percolator. Store the percolator in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Periodically check the electrical cord and plug for any damage or wear. Replace if necessary to prevent any potential hazards. If you notice any unusual smells or tastes in your coffee, it may be time to descale your percolator. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for descaling your specific model. By following these steps, you can ensure that your Slancio Slancio 10 Cup Percolator stays clean, functional, and continues to provide delicious coffee for years to come.

How do I properly clean and maintain the Slancio Slancio 10 Cup coffee maker to ensure optimal performance and longevity?

To keep your Slancio Slancio 10 Cup coffee maker in top condition and prolong its lifespan, here are some cleaning and maintenance tips you can follow:

1. Clean the carafe: After each use, remove the carafe from the machine and rinse it with hot water to remove any remaining coffee grounds or oils. You can also wash it in the dishwasher on the top rack. Make sure it's completely dry before putting it back in the machine. Descale regularly: Over time, mineral deposits can build up inside the machine and affect its performance. To descale your Slancio 10 Cup coffee maker, follow these steps:
- Fill the water tank with equal parts white vinegar and water. Turn on the machine and let it run a full cycle. The vinegar will break down the mineral deposits. After the cycle is complete, discard the vinegar solution and rinse the carafe with hot water. Repeat with clean water to remove any remaining vinegar taste. Run another cycle with just plain water to flush out any leftover vinegar. Clean the exterior of the machine with a damp cloth. Clean the filter basket: The filter basket can also accumulate coffee oils and grounds over time, which can affect the flavor of your coffee. To clean it:
- Remove the filter basket from the machine. Rinse it thoroughly under running water to remove any remaining coffee grinds. If necessary, use a soft brush (such as a toothbrush) to gently scrub the inside of the basket. Let it air dry before putting it back in the machine. Clean the exterior: Use a damp cloth to wipe down the exterior of the machine regularly to prevent dust and dirt from accumulating. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scouring pads, as these can scratch the surface. Store the machine properly: When not in use, make sure the Slancio 10 Cup coffee maker is stored in a dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. This will help prevent any damage to the internal components and prolong its lifespan.

What is Slancio Slancio 10 Cup capacity?

This percolator is good for 10 people, if you like single espresso of course. If you want to check other devices which also brew 10 cups of coffee, check it here.
Always pay close attention when buying coffee machines on their capabilities. The appearance will not matter if it turns out that the device does not meet your expectations.

What is this percolator made of?

You can choose a percolator in many different colors. Here you can find the green one.

Why should I use a percolator? Is it easy to use?

If you are looking for answers to these and other questions about percolator, you should visit our knowledge base, where you can find an article on How to use a percolator, as well as an article describing the differences between a percolator and moka pot.

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