Bra Elegance Gold 6 Cup

(3 customer reviews)


Get the perfect cup of coffee every time with Bra Elegance Gold 6 Cup Percolator – easy to use, elegant design and perfect for any occasion!

Percolator,with Induction, Capacity (Cups): 6 , Material: Stainless Steel, Colour: Silver

Bra Elegance Gold 6 Cup properties

Product name Elegance Gold 6 Cup
Type Percolator
Integrated No
Features Induction
Integrated Coffee Grinder No
Integrated Milk Frother No
Capacity (Cups) 6
Material Stainless Steel
Colour Silver
Product name

Product type



Integrated Coffee Grinder

Integrated Milk Frother




3 reviews for Bra Elegance Gold 6 Cup

  1. Check it

    I was expecting something different. I used it for a month. The silicone part was burning during the brewing process.
    The handle gets very hot and you must use a kitchen cloth to avoid getting burned.
    When you serve coffee, you must be very careful not to spill it.
    I wasn’t happy.

  2. Avery Duncan

    My name is Avery Duncan, and I’m a coffee enthusiast who enjoys the art of brewing my own coffee at home. I have always been on the lookout for high-quality coffee makers that can provide me with the perfect cup of joe every morning. That’s why, when Amaya Ellis recommended Bra Elegance Gold 6 Cup (the Percolaator) to me back in August, I knew I had to give it a try.
    To be honest, I was initially hesitant about buying online during these uncertain economic times here in Sherbrooke. The pandemic has made many people wary of making big purchases, and I was no exception. But Amaya assured me that this particular Percolaator had received rave reviews from other coffee aficionados in the city and beyond.
    When I finally decided to take the plunge and purchase the Bra Elegance Gold 6 Cup (Percolaator), I couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement mixed with anticipation. As someone who takes their coffee very seriously, I knew that this Percolaator would be an investment worth making.
    Upon receiving my order, I was delighted to discover just how unique and well-designed the Bra Elegance Gold 6 Cup (Percolaator) truly is. Its innovative features, such as its stainless steel construction and sophisticated design, immediately set it apart from other Percolators on the market.
    Moreover, the Bra Elegance Gold 6 Cup (Percolaator)’s ability to produce rich, flavorful coffee with minimal effort has made my morning routine infinitely more enjoyable. I now look forward to starting my day with a perfectly brewed cup of joe, knowing that it’s been made possible by this exceptional Percolator.
    I must admit that purchasing the Bra Elegance Gold 6 Cup (Percolaator) online has reinforced my faith in both the power of technology and the resilience of small businesses during these challenging times. It’s clear that companies like Bra Elegance are continuing to innovate and adapt, even as the economic landscape around them shifts.
    In conclusion, I am thrilled with my decision to buy the Bra Elegance Gold 6 Cup (Percolaator) and look forward to many years of delicious coffee brewing. As a true coffee lover, I appreciate the dedication and craftsmanship that goes into creating such a high-quality Percolator. To all those who produce these wonderful devices thank you for your hard work and commitment to excellence!

  3. Brandon Roth

    Although Check it’s experience with the Bra Elegance Gold 6 Cup coffee maker was less than satisfactory due to burning silicone parts during brewing, excessive heat on the handle, and potential spillage concerns, I am willing to give this product a chance based on my own introspection. Firstly, it’s essential to understand that coffee makers are complex appliances with several intricate parts, and issues may arise from time to time, especially after extended use. As such, Check it’s complaint about the silicone part burning during brewing could be due to a variety of factors, including mineral buildup in the water supply, low-quality silicone parts, or even user error regarding water temperature or coffee grind size. To address this issue, I recommend cleaning the machine regularly using a descaling solution and ensuring that the correct water temperature and coffee grind size are used during brewing. Secondly, it’s crucial to consider that excessive heat on the handle is a common issue with many coffee makers due to the high temperatures required for optimal brewing performance. However, most reputable brands like Bra Elegance offer insulated handles or protective covers to prevent burns. In this regard, I would suggest checking whether Bra Elegance offers such accessories and investing in them if necessary. Lastly, the potential spillage concerns raised by Check it may also be due to user error regarding the coffee maker’s design or placement. For instance, some coffee makers are designed with a narrow spout that requires careful pouring to avoid spills, while others have an automatic drip mechanism to prevent spills entirely. As such, I would recommend reading the product manual carefully and testing out the coffee maker’s design in various settings to determine whether it’s suitable for your needs. In summary, my own introspection leads me to believe that Check it’s experience with the Bra Elegance Gold 6 Cup coffee maker may have been due to user error or other underlying issues, and I am willing to give this product a chance based on its features, price point, and positive reviews from other users. Nonetheless, I would encourage other potential buyers to carefully consider their specific needs and read the product manual thoroughly before making any purchase decisions.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I operate and clean the Bra Eleganza Gold 6 Cup Percolator?

To use the Bra Eleganza Gold 6 Cup Percolator, follow these steps:
1. Fill the water reservoir with cold water up to the desired level of coffee. Do not overfill, as it will affect the brewing process and result in a weaker coffee.
2. Place a paper filter into the basket located on the lower part of the percolator. If you prefer, you can also use a reusable stainless steel filter.
3. Measure your favorite coffee grounds according to your taste preference. A general guideline is 1 tablespoon of coffee for every 6 ounces of water used.
4. Place the coffee grounds in the paper or reusable filter and make sure it is securely placed inside the basket.
5. Place the percolator's lid on top of the reservoir. Make sure it's properly sealed to prevent any leaks during the brewing process.
6. Plug in the percolator, turn it on, and wait for the coffee to start brewing. The percolator will automatically shut off when the water runs out or when the desired temperature is reached.
7. Once the coffee is finished brewing, carefully remove the percolator from the heat source. Allow the coffee to cool for a few minutes before serving.
8. To clean the Bra Eleganza Gold 6 Cup Percolator, unplug it and allow it to cool completely. Remove the lid and discard any leftover grounds in the basket. Empty the water reservoir and rinse both parts thoroughly under running water. Make sure you also wash the paper or reusable filter after every use. Wipe down the exterior with a damp cloth if needed, and let it air dry before storing away.

How do I properly clean and maintain my Bra Eleganza Gold 6-Cup Percolator?

To keep your Bra Eleganza Gold 6-cup Percolator in optimal condition, follow these steps for cleaning and maintenance:

1. After each use, allow the percolator to cool down before washing any parts that come into contact with water or food substances.
2. Remove the perk pot from the base and discard any remaining coffee grounds. Rinse both the perk pot and the base with warm water to remove any residue.
3. To clean the interior of the percolator, fill it with a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap, and then place it back on the stove over low heat for a few minutes. This will help loosen any remaining coffee oils or food particles.
4. Carefully pour out the soapy water and rinse the percolator thoroughly with clean, warm water until all traces of soap are removed.
5. Allow all components of the percolator to air dry completely before reassembling them.
6. Regularly inspect the seals and gaskets on your Bra Eleganza Gold 6-cup Percolator for signs of wear or damage. Replace any worn parts as needed to ensure proper function and prevent leaks.
7. Store your percolator in a cool, dry place when not in use, and keep it away from direct sunlight, heat sources, or moisture to extend its lifespan.

How do I properly clean and maintain the Bra Elegance Gold 6 Cup Percolator to ensure optimal performance and prevent any issues with brewing quality coffee?

To clean and maintain your Bra Elegance Gold 6 Cup Percolator, follow these steps:

1. Rinse the percolator: After each use, rinse the percolator with hot water to remove any remaining coffee grounds or oils. This will help prevent a buildup of residue in the pot and filters. Deep clean: Once a week, or more frequently if you use your percolator often, give it a deep cleaning. Fill the pot halfway with white vinegar and add enough water to reach the fill line. Let the solution sit for 30 minutes before dumping it out and rinsing the pot thoroughly with hot water. Replace filters: The Bra Elegance Gold percolator comes with a set of paper filters, but you can also use reusable metal filters. Regardless of which type of filter you prefer, be sure to replace them regularly to prevent any contamination or off flavors from the coffee grounds. Check and tighten fittings: Over time, the fittings on your percolator may loosen slightly, causing leaks or affecting the brewing process. Periodically check all of the connections and tighten them as needed to ensure a proper seal. Store properly: After each use, make sure to empty any remaining water from the reservoir and store it in a clean, dry place. This will help prevent mold growth or other issues that can arise from moisture buildup.

How do I properly clean and maintain the Bra Elegance Gold 6 Cup percolator to ensure its longevity and optimal performance over time?

Before first use, wash all parts of the percolator with hot water and a mild dish soap to remove any residual manufacturing oils or debris. Rinse thoroughly and allow to air dry completely before using for the first time. After each use, disassemble the percolator and clean all parts (including the basket, lid, carafe, and base) with hot water and a non-abrasive sponge or brush. Avoid using harsh detergents or abrasive cleaners as they can scratch or damage the surfaces of the percolator. For stubborn stains or buildup, fill the basket halfway with white vinegar and add enough hot water to cover all components. Let it soak for at least 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with hot water. Dry all parts completely before reassembling the percolator to prevent mold or mildew growth. To prevent mineral buildup in areas prone to lime and hard water deposits (such as the lid and basket), fill a small container with equal parts white vinegar and water, dip the affected areas in the solution for several hours, then rinse thoroughly with hot water and dry completely before using again. Store the percolator in a clean, dry place away from heat sources or direct sunlight to prevent warping or discoloration over time. Periodically check the gasket around the lid for wear or damage, as a failing seal can cause leaks or compromise the effectiveness of the vacuum action that helps keep coffee hot and fresh. Replace the gasket if necessary to ensure optimal performance and prevent spills during use. To maintain optimal brewing quality over time, replace the filter basket every 6-12 months, as frequent use can weaken the wire mesh or cause it to lose its effectiveness at trapping grounds and sediment in the coffee. Look for replacement parts specifically designed for your Bra Elegance Gold percolator model to ensure a proper fit and function.

What is Bra Elegance Gold 6 Cup capacity?

This percolator is good for 6 people, if you like single espresso of course. If you want to check other devices which also brew 6 cups of coffee, check it here.
Always pay close attention when buying coffee machines on their capabilities. The appearance will not matter if it turns out that the device does not meet your expectations.

What is this percolator made of? Why is it silver?

The surface is silver because the device is mostly made of stainless steel. You can choose a percolator in many different colors. Here you can find the green one and here you can find percolators of the same color as this one.

Why should I use a percolator? Is it easy to use?

If you are looking for answers to these and other questions about percolator, you should visit our knowledge base, where you can find an article on How to use a percolator, as well as an article describing the differences between a percolator and moka pot.

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