Melitta Caffeo Passione OT


Enjoy the perfect cup of coffee every time with the Melitta Caffeo Passione OT coffee maker, bringing a professional-grade experience to your home.

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Melitta Caffeo Passione OT coffee maker has been designed with a sole purpose of excellence in coffee brewing. Its name is derived from the Italian word ‘passione’, which means passion. This machine is a perfect choice for coffee enthusiasts who don’t want to compromise on the quality of their coffee.

Design and Features

The machine is designed with a sleek and modern look, making it a perfect fit for any kitchen countertop. It consists of a large bean hopper, a water tank, and a drip tray. The Melitta Caffeo Passione OT coffee maker features a touch screen display with simple and easy-to-understand menu options. The display allows you to set the desired coffee strength and grind size, and the machine automatically brews the perfect cup of coffee.

The coffee maker comes with an automatic milk frother, which can prepare frothy milk for cappuccinos and lattes. The frother can also produce hot milk for other milk-based drinks. The machine is fully customizable and allows you to save your settings and recall them later.


The machine uses a conical burr grinder to grind the coffee beans, which ensures that the beans are ground to a consistent size, resulting in an optimal flavor. The grinder has five different settings for grind size, ranging from fine to coarse. This enables you to adjust the grind size according to the type of coffee you are brewing.

The Melitta Caffeo Passione OT coffee maker has a pre-brewing feature that saturates the coffee grounds with water before the brewing starts. This feature guarantees the extraction of all the flavors from the coffee, resulting in a well- balanced taste.


The machine is designed with a removable brewing unit, which makes cleaning a breeze. The brewing unit can be easily removed and washed under running water. The machine also features a self-cleaning cycle, which automates the cleaning process.


The Melitta Caffeo Passione OT coffee maker is a great investment for coffee lovers who want a high-quality and customizable coffee experience. The machine’s ease of use, customization, and ease of cleaning make it a perfect fit for busy lifestyles. The machine is also designed to last, ensuring that you’ll enjoy a consistently great cup of coffee for years to come.

Melitta Caffeo Passione OT properties

Product name Melitta Caffeo Passione OT
Brand Melitta
Type Espresso Machines
Functions Automatic Cleaning, Automatic Shutdown, Hot Water Dispenser
Filter Type Multiple Use
Brewing Pressure 15.0 bar
Integrated Coffee Grinder Yes
Integrated Milk Frother Yes
Capacity 1.2 L
Power 1450 W
Width 25.3 cm
Depth 38.0 cm
Height 39.0 cm
Weight 8.2 kg


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Frequently Asked Questions:

"How do I properly descale my Melitta Caffeo Passione OT coffee maker?"

To properly descale your Melitta Caffeo Passione OT coffee maker, follow these simple steps:
1. Purchase a descaling solution that is specifically designed for use in coffee makers. You can find this at most supermarkets or online retailers. Remove the drip tray and water tank from your coffee maker. Fill the water tank with the descaling solution, making sure to not exceed the maximum fill line. Place the coffee maker in an area that is free of direct sunlight and away from any heat sources. Turn on the coffee maker and select the "Hot Water" function. This will start the descaling process. Allow the descaling solution to run through the entire machine, including the milk system (if your model has one). Once the descaling cycle is complete, turn off the coffee maker and discard any remaining descaling solution in the tank. Rinse the water tank and milk system with clean water several times to remove any remaining residue from the descaling solution. Fill the water tank with fresh water and run a cycle through the machine without adding any coffee grounds or pods. This will help to flush out any remaining descaling solution and ensure that your coffee maker is ready for use again. Replace the drip tray and water tank back into the coffee maker, and you're done! Your Melitta Caffeo Passione OT coffee maker is now properly descaled and ready to brew delicious coffee once again. It's recommended that you descale your machine at least once every 3-6 months, depending on the hardness of your water supply.

"How do I properly clean and descale my Melitta Caffeo Passione OT coffee maker?"

Empty any remaining water or coffee grounds from the machine by pressing the "Stop/Off" button twice. Remove the water tank, coffee grounds container, and milk frother (if applicable) from the machine. Fill the water tank halfway with white vinegar and add 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice or citric acid descaling agent. Place the water tank back into the machine and press the "Start" button to begin the cleaning cycle. Allow the cleaning cycle to complete, which will take approximately 30 minutes. The machine may make unusual noises during this process. Once the cycle is finished, discard the vinegar mixture and rinse the water tank with clean water. Fill the water tank halfway with clean water and run a normal brewing cycle to rinse out any remaining vinegar or descaling agent. Repeat this process until the machine no longer has a vinegar or cleaning solution odor, which usually takes two to three cycles. Clean the coffee grounds container, milk frother (if applicable), and any other removable parts with warm water and soap. Rinse thoroughly and dry completely. Wipe down the exterior of the machine with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Rinse and dry thoroughly. Store the machine in a clean, dry place away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Perform this cleaning process at least once every three months to ensure optimal performance and longevity of your Melitta Caffeo Passione OT coffee maker.

"How do I properly descale my Melitta Caffeo Passione OT coffee maker?"

Start by removing any remaining grounds or coffee in the filter basket and rinse it thoroughly under running water. Fill the water tank halfway with white vinegar and add enough cold water to make up the full volume of the tank (about 2 liters). Place a cup or jug underneath the dispenser spout to catch the descale solution. Turn on the coffee maker and let it run through a complete brewing cycle with the vinegar solution. Discard the resulting liquid. Fill the water tank again with half vinegar, half water and repeat step 4. Refill the water tank with cold water and run two brewing cycles to rinse out any remaining vinegar taste. After the final rinsing cycle, remove the filter basket and clean it thoroughly with soap and warm water. Rinse well and dry completely. Clean the exterior of the coffee maker with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Return the filter basket to its place and replace any other removable parts. Run a hot water brewing cycle to ensure that all vinegar has been eliminated from the machine. Repeat this process every 3 months or as needed depending on water hardness. Remember, always follow your coffee maker's user manual for specific instructions and precautions regarding descaling procedures.

How do I properly clean and maintain my Melitta Caffeo Passione OT coffee maker to ensure optimal performance and longevity?

To properly clean and maintain your Melitta Caffeo Passione OT coffee maker, follow these steps:

1. Empty the used coffee grounds and wash the filter basket with warm water after each use. This helps prevent buildup of oils and residue that can affect taste and performance. Run a decalcification process at least once every three months or as necessary based on the hardness of your water supply. To do this, fill the water tank with equal parts white vinegar and water, select the "Cleaning" program, and let it run. Rinse thoroughly afterward. Clean the exterior of the coffee maker regularly with a soft, damp cloth to prevent buildup of dirt and grime. Store your Melitta Caffeo Passione OT coffee maker in a dry place to prevent rusting or damage. Perform regular maintenance checks as recommended by the manufacturer. This may include replacing worn parts such as the filter basket, water tank, or seal rings. By following these simple steps, you can help ensure that your Melitta Caffeo Passione OT coffee maker performs at its best and lasts for many years to come.

What type of coffee maker is the best?

If you're wondering what type of espresso machine will suit your kitchen and you don't know what to decide on. In particular, you want to learn the pros and cons of integrated espresso machines and stand alone free-standing coffee makers - please to read this article where we explain this topic and help to to decide. We also explain is is worth to use a simple capsule machines also knowns as pod-machines.

What functions does Melitta Caffeo Passione OT have?

Coffee machines can give us many additional functions. We have no information about added features on this device, so if you want to know what you can get from it please ask the manufacturer. If you want to check out some options in other coffee machines click here.

What is the pressure in Melitta Caffeo Passione OT?

Do you know how the brewing pressure affects the taste and aroma of coffee brewed in Melitta Caffeo Passione OT? Some people think that the pressure in the coffee machine is of colossal importance in the preparation of coffee, but there are still lovers of coffee brewed in teas. So what does it matter? Do you want to know what is important when brewing coffee? Read our article.

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