Sage The Barista Express Impress


Get ready to make amazing cafe-style drinks at home with the Sage The Barista Express Impress coffee maker – the perfect way to enjoy a variety of delicious coffees in the comfort of your own home.

As a self-proclaimed coffee lover, I have tasted my fair share of lattes, cappuccinos, espressos, and more. However, once I stumbled upon the Sage Barista Express Impress Coffee Maker, I knew I had found a game-changer in the coffee world.

This coffee maker boasts a modern design and is crafted with only the finest materials such as stainless steel and copper. It also comes equipped with a built-in grinder that is perfect for freshly grounded coffee beans each time. Another noteworthy feature is the machine’s pressure gauge, which ensures the perfect extraction of every shot of espresso.

The Sage Barista Express Impress has a total of 18 grind settings, allowing you to control the strength and taste of your coffee. You can even program the machine to automatically stop the flow of coffee once it reaches a certain height, which makes for excellent consistency in each cup.

The machine also has an impressive frother that produces silky smooth and creamy foam with ease. Whether you’re a fan of lattes or cappuccinos, this frother is versatile and can adapt to your preferred coffee style.

Cleaning this machine is also a breeze, thanks to its removable hopper, drip tray, and included cleaning tools. Additionally, the machine has a low maintenance requirement due to its washable water filter, so you can keep enjoying delicious coffee without any added hassle.

The Sage Barista Express Impress may come with a hefty price tag, but it is undoubtedly worth the investment for true coffee connoisseurs who value quality and customization. This machine has it all, from precision brewing to impeccable craftsmanship, making every cup feel like it’s straight from a cafe.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a high-quality coffee maker that can grind beans, brew espresso, and froth milk like a professional barista, then Sage Barista Express Impress Coffee Maker should be on the top of your list. Its impressive features, streamlined design, and excellent performance make it a perfect choice for serious coffee lovers.

Sage The Barista Express Impress properties

Product name Sage The Barista Express Impress
Brand Sage
Type Espresso Machines
Filter Type Multiple Use
Integrated Coffee Grinder No
Integrated Milk Frother No
Material Stainless Steel
Colour Silver
Product name


Product type

Filter Type

Integrated Coffee Grinder

Integrated Milk Frother




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Frequently Asked Questions:

"How do I properly clean the conical burr grinder on my Sage The Barista Express Impress espresso machine?"

To effectively clean your conical burr grinder on your Sage The Barista Express Impress espresso machine, follow these steps:

1. Begin by unplugging the machine and allowing it to cool down completely before cleaning. This will prevent any accidents caused by hot parts. Remove the portafilter holder from the machine and take out the used coffee grounds from the hopper. Rinse the hopper with warm water to remove any remaining grinds. Next, remove the burr grinder unit from the machine by gently pulling it upward. Wipe down the exterior of the unit with a damp cloth to remove any dust or debris that may have accumulated during use. Use a small brush or toothbrush to clean inside the burrs and around the grinding chamber. Be sure to remove any leftover coffee residue, as this can negatively impact the flavor of your espresso. Rinse the burr grinder unit with warm water to ensure all remaining debris is removed. Then, dry it thoroughly using a clean towel or cloth. Finally, reattach the burr grinder unit back into the machine and replace the portafilter holder. Plug in the machine and continue enjoying delicious espresso!

By following these steps regularly, you can ensure that your Sage The Barista Express Impress espresso machine's conical burr grinder remains clean and functioning properly.

"How do I properly grind beans for drip coffee using the built-in grinder on my Sage The Barista Express Impress?"

To properly grind beans for drip coffee using the built-in grinder on your Sage The Barista Express Impress, follow these steps:
1. Begin by selecting the correct grinding setting for drip coffee. The recommended setting is typically labeled as "drip" or "cafeteria. This will ensure that the grind size is suitable for your drip coffee maker. Next, measure out the desired amount of beans. As a general rule, you should use 1 gram of coffee per 15 milliliters of water. For example, if you're using a 10-cup coffee maker, you'll want to grind around 63 grams of coffee. Place the beans in the hopper of the grinder and secure the lid. Make sure that the beans are evenly distributed and not clumped together. Turn on the grinder and allow it to run until it reaches the desired weight. You can monitor this by using a digital scale or the built-in weight indicator on your Sage The Barista Express Impress. Aim for a total weight of around 63 grams for a 10-cup coffee maker. Once you've reached the correct weight, turn off the grinder and immediately transfer the ground coffee to your drip coffee maker. Make sure to use the built-in tamper to level out the grounds in the filter basket. Start brewing your coffee as usual, and enjoy! By properly grinding your beans for drip coffee using the built-in grinder on your Sage The Barista Express Impress, you'll be able to achieve a fresher, more flavorful cup of coffee every time.

"How do I properly grind coffee beans using the integrated conical burr grinder on my Sage The Barista Express Impress machine?"

To properly grind coffee beans using the integrated conical burr grinder on your Sage The Barista Express Impress machine, please follow these steps:

1. Make sure the machine is turned off and unplugged before adding coffee beans to the grinder. Open the hopper lid by pulling it downwards. You will see a removable bean container inside. Remove the container from the machine and add your desired amount of coffee beans. Be careful not to overfill the container, as this can cause the grinder to jam. A general guideline is to use 18-20 grams of coffee per six-ounce cup. Place the container back into the hopper and secure it in place by pushing it downwards until you hear a click. Adjust the grind settings using the digital display on the machine. The default setting is typically suitable for drip coffee, but you can adjust it to suit your preferences or desired brewing method (such as espresso, French press, or pour-over). To start grinding, press the "Grind" button on the machine. The grinder will automatically stop once the desired amount of grounds has been dispensed into the portafilter. After grinding, make sure to wipe down any excess coffee grounds from the grinder and surrounding area to prevent any clogging or jamming in the future. Finally, remember to clean the grinder regularly to maintain its performance and prevent the buildup of oils and debris. You can do this by running a few drops of water through the grinder on a regular basis, or following the manufacturer's recommended cleaning schedule. By following these steps, you should be able to achieve a consistent, high-quality grind for your coffee using the integrated conical burr grinder on your Sage The Barista Express Impress machine.

"How do I properly clean and descale my Sage The Barista Express Impress machine to ensure optimal coffee brewing performance?"

Cleaning and descaling your Sage The Barista Express Impress machine is essential to maintain its optimal coffee brewing performance. Here's how you can do it properly:

1. Clean the machine regularly: After each use, make sure to clean the coffee grounds, filter basket, and other removable parts of the machine with warm water and a soft cloth or brush. This will prevent any residue from building up and affecting the taste of your coffee. Descale the machine: Over time, mineral buildup can occur inside the machine, leading to poor-tasting coffee and potentially damaging internal components. To descale the machine, follow these steps:

- Fill the water tank with equal parts white vinegar and water. Run the machine as if brewing a full carafe of coffee, but throw out the resulting vinegar solution. Rinse the machine thoroughly with fresh water to remove any remaining vinegar taste. Repeat this process until all vinegar has been removed from the machine. Clean the water tank: The water tank can also accumulate bacteria and mold over time, which can affect the quality of your coffee. To clean it, follow these steps:

- Empty the water tank and remove any remaining water. Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a bowl or container. Use a soft brush to scrub the inside of the water tank with the vinegar solution. Rinse the water tank thoroughly with fresh water. Replace the filter basket: Over time, the filter basket can become clogged with coffee grounds and oils, which can affect the taste of your coffee. To replace it, follow these steps:

- Remove the old filter basket from the machine. Wash it thoroughly with warm water and a soft cloth or brush. Replace it with a new one or clean it if you prefer to reuse it. By following these steps, you can ensure that your Sage The Barista Express Impress machine is properly cleaned and descaled, providing optimal coffee brewing performance for years to come.

What type of coffee maker is the best?

If you're wondering what type of espresso machine will suit your kitchen and you don't know what to decide on. In particular, you want to learn the pros and cons of integrated espresso machines and stand alone free-standing coffee makers - please to read this article where we explain this topic and help to to decide. We also explain is is worth to use a simple capsule machines also knowns as pod-machines.

What functions does Sage The Barista Express Impress have?

Coffee machines can give us many additional functions. We have no information about added features on this device, so if you want to know what you can get from it please ask the manufacturer. If you want to check out some options in other coffee machines click here.

What is the pressure in Sage The Barista Express Impress?

Do you know how the brewing pressure affects the taste and aroma of coffee brewed in Sage The Barista Express Impress? Some people think that the pressure in the coffee machine is of colossal importance in the preparation of coffee, but there are still lovers of coffee brewed in teas. So what does it matter? Do you want to know what is important when brewing coffee? Read our article.

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