Aerolatte French Press 8 Cup

(1 customer review)


Make every cup of coffee count with the Aerolatte French Press 8 Cup coffee press – the perfect way to enjoy a delicious and smooth cup of coffee every time.

For coffee enthusiasts who prioritize taste and a great brewing experience, the Aerolatte French Press is certainly worth checking out. It is designed to deliver exceptional aromatic beverages, allowing you to enjoy a rich and smooth cup of coffee. The Aerolatte French Press boasts a stainless steel carafe that provides the ideal environment for coffee grounds to steep, while the plunger ensures that the brewed coffee does not contain grounds or sediment.

When it comes to capacity, the Aerolatte French Press cups up to eight cups of coffee, making it ideal for coffee drinkers who love to share their caffeinated beverages with a group of friends or family. However, customizations can be made on the amount of coffee brewed by adjusting the coffee to water ratio accordingly.

Furthermore, the Aerolatte French Press features a unique microfilter that stops any sediment from getting into your brewed coffee. The filter also ensures that you can use coarser coffee grounds compared to many other manual coffee makers, as it effectively filters it all out. This results in a smooth coffee that still has all the delicious flavours of the beans.

In terms of design, the Aerolatte French Press is a well-made device that looks great in any kitchen. It has a sleek and modern design, and the mirror finish adds a touch of elegance. It is also lightweight and compact, making it easy to store and transport.

Ease of use is another benefit of the Aerolatte French press. It is effortless to use and requires no electricity, which is an advantage when it comes to energy efficiency. The plunger is also easy to operate, and the filter screen is easy to remove for cleaning. The device is dishwasher safe, making the cleaning process a breeze.

In conclusion, if you are a coffee lover and appreciate a great, smooth cup of coffee, the Aerolatte French Press is a must-have device for your home. It boasts excellent features that enhance the coffee brewing experience, from its microfilter to its capacity to hold up to 8 cups of coffee. It is a well-made product that delivers exceptional results and looks great on any kitchen counter. So, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the unique taste of freshly brewed coffee with the Aerolatte French Press.

Coffee Press,with Dishwasher Safe, Capacity (Cups): 8 , Material: Stainless Steel, Glass

Aerolatte French Press 8 Cup properties

Product name French Press 8 Cup
Type Coffee Press
Integrated No
Features Dishwasher Safe
Integrated Coffee Grinder No
Integrated Milk Frother No
Capacity (Cups) 8
Material Glass, Stainless Steel
Product name

Product type



Integrated Coffee Grinder

Integrated Milk Frother




1 review for Aerolatte French Press 8 Cup

  1. Eve Vega

    A very good product. It filters coffee very well, although the one I use is well ground and should be medium ground. The quality is very good and the result is very rich and appetizing coffee. Very easy to use. The design is also very beautiful, and if the glass breaks, then there are spare parts.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

"How should I properly clean my Aerolatte French Press after each use?"

To properly clean your Aerolatte French Press after each use, follow these steps:
1. Empty any remaining coffee grounds or residue from the French Press by pouring it into a compost bin or trash can. Make sure to rinse out any leftover sediment that might be stuck in the mesh filter. Fill the French Press with warm water (around 100°F). You can use hot water from the tap or boil some water separately and let it cool for a few minutes before adding it to the press. Add a small amount of dish soap (around one tablespoon) to the water in the French Press. This will help break down any remaining coffee oils, stains, or residue that might be left behind. Insert the Aerolatte Frother into the French Press and press it up and down for around 30 seconds. This will help agitate the water and soap, which will enable the cleaning solution to penetrate every nook and cranny of the press. Allow the soapy water to sit in the French Press for about two minutes. This will give the dish soap enough time to break down any stubborn stains or buildup inside the press. Remove the Aerolatte Frother from the French Press and rinse it thoroughly under running water. Make sure to remove all traces of soap and clean it properly as well. Rinse out the French Press with warm water (around 100°F) to remove any remaining soap residue. Allow the French Press and Aerolatte Frother to air dry thoroughly before storing them away in a dry place. Make sure not to stack anything on top of either item while they're still damp, as this can lead to mold or mildew growth.

How do I properly clean and maintain my Aerolatte French Press after each use?

To ensure proper cleaning and maintenance of your Aerolatte French Press, follow these simple steps:

1. Disassemble the press: After brewing your coffee or tea, remove the plunger from the French Press carafe and separate the filter mesh from the lid. This will allow for a thorough cleaning process. Rinse under running water: Rinse all parts of the French Press with warm water to remove any leftover coffee grounds or tea leaves. Make sure to get into all crevices and corners, as these areas can harbor bacteria over time. Soap and water: Use a mild dish soap and warm water to thoroughly clean the carafe, plunger, filter mesh, and lid. Scrub gently with a soft sponge or brush to avoid scratching any surfaces. Rinse again with warm water to remove all traces of soap. Air dry: Allow all parts of the French Press to air dry completely before reassembling. This will prevent any mold or bacteria from forming due to moisture. Store properly: Once your French Press is fully dried, store it in a clean and dry place. Keep it out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources to prevent warping or damage to the glass carafe.

"How long should I steep the coffee grounds in the Aerolatte French Press before pressing down the plunger?"

I do not have access to the specific aerolatte french press you are referring to, but in general, you should follow the brewing instructions provided by the manufacturer. Typically, coffee is steeped for around 4-5 minutes in a french press before pressing down the plunger. However, this can vary based on personal preference and the type of coffee beans being used. I would recommend starting with a longer steeping time of around 5 minutes and adjusting from there to find your preferred strength and flavor. Remember to always perform the task to the best of your ability.

What is Aerolatte French Press 8 Cup made of?

Our taste in kitchen design determines the style of appliances and accessories that we want in our kitchen. If we are fans of cool, modern decor, we can choose accessories made of glass and aluminum, while for a warm, southern impression, we will choose porcelain and wood. This coffee press is made of glass and stainless steel. If you're looking for something in glass, check out our range of glass coffee presses here.

Is Aerolatte French Press 8 Cup integrated?

You can't use its integrated milk frother. You have to froth the milk in a separate vessel. And there is no integrated coffee grinder. If you want to grind your coffee check our grinders too.

What is the best capacity of coffee press?

Of course, it depends on how many people will be using the press at one time. You can use Aerolatte French Press 8 Cup when you want to brew coffee for guests or just want to spend some time with your family. If you want to know more about coffee presses check out this article.

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